Gonna miss the tests

About 4 weeks before Level I, I was hospitalized for 6 days due to a ruptured intestine…couldn’t study or even eat due to the tube down my throat. When I got out I had an open 8 inch incision in my stomach; they had to heal it from the inside out since my digestive system being open inside the body cavity put me at high risk for infection. I couldn’t even put on a pair of pants.

Family, friends, girlfriend; everyone said rest up and get after the exam in 6 months when I’m healed. I said no - too much time already invested I have to go for it. Rolled into the test unsure of what to expect and still pretty messed up physically and passed with my worst matrix of the 3.

Went two for two on the next two levels. The CFA has been the most fun and challenging element of my professional and academic career and I’m proud to be done but will miss it for sure!

That is hardcore. Think you could have done the same if it was L2 or 3?

No more boxing games…

Feels pretty damn good to come to the website as someone who passed and not someone who’s studying.

I think you’re not allowed to be a proctor if you’ve passed the exams.

Not sure…I was locked in but it would’ve been tough for sure. I will say my next two matrices were much less boarderline.

the prospect of a wholly changed curriculum frightened me. The Fintech stuff. . . .made me toil day and night to pass.

I know exactly what you mean. Reminds me of when I finished undergrad, lots of folks seemed to be “finished” grinding once they got their first job. Not me… on to the next challenge. Maybe the next one won’t be academic in nature, but there is always something new to drive us out of bed in the morning.

That said, there will be a few weeks of nothing but golf. Haha

Not going to miss the high stress that is exam day. Body just feels off. Going to enjoy not having to stop going to the gym in the middle of summer anymore.