good luck everyone who will take a test

No need to beat yourself now that the exam is history. Catch up on what you missed out while studying. It’s out of your control now.

^Thanks. Unfortunately had nightmares b/c of the frustration. Will remember to scroll down next time.

I thought the exam was relatively straightforward. I took about 80min on the mutliple choice and 50min on the essay portion. There were less calculations than I expected and overall I thought the difficulty was on par with L1 (March 2013). I studied about 120hr using Schweser notes and UpperMark qbank and felt like there were very few questions that weren’t covered in the curriculum. Good luck to all who took the test.

I guess it depends on how much time you put into preparation.

In my case I studied less for L2 than I planned to - was looking for a job, going to the interviews in Jan/Feb and started new position just two weeks before the test.

Because of this situation a lot of time that I planned to allocate to study was spend on the job search. I personally felt I could have been prepared better. I actually thought about postponing to September.

We will see if I spent enough time on studying when the results are out.

Get used to it. I still have nightmares 5 years after I passed my exam.

Hello everyone,

I took my CAIA L1 on the 18th. one session was ok, but i thought the other session was very difficult and required speed, many calculations, and exceptionally stong memory!

I have no regrets, and i couldn’t have studied more. Did more than 350 hrs (since english is not my first language) and more tha 1500 practice questions! I’m also a full time employee, husband and father, which made it even harder!

I though that the real exam was more difficult than the Kaplan Qbank and exams. So next time I will use uppermark Qbank.

I wish everyone the best and to pass their exams, and now we wait for the results!


When should we expect results announced for L2?

I think Friday, April 25th is the earliest we would hear, but likely the week after that. They say 6 weeks from the end of the testing window. I’m just trying to forget I ever sat the exam in the interim.

^ Good luck trying to forget.

^+1 you my hero ft.

In what sense?

Results are out for L1.

Are results for L2 tied to the timing of L1 in any way, like 2 or 3 weeks after L1 are announced?