Harris YES/NO and why

No eddie, I am just using Schweser-Notes for my preparation. But always been a die-hard fan of Olinto. The energy that guy has could cause yet another forest fire easily. Look at the others … David, Ben Jones… lolololol. Hope I am not banned from this forum for criticizing the sponsor.

I have had the opportunity to attend a couple of free sessions in Wash, DC area with Peter Olinto for L1 in Oct last year, and beginning of this year for L2, while waiting for the results. It was tremendous. The kind of energy, delivery and input he brings in is good. Make sure you have Peter Olinto for the mock exam session, ask multiple times. If he is there, it is definitely worth it. He not only goes thro’ a problem, but also gives you a quick work over on the back ground to the question, much like the Study sessions with Stalla on line, which helps to relate the material to the bigger picture. CP

I missed the one in DC because I was ill and also ill-prepared. I decided to bite the bullet (out of my own pocket) and pay for the class/hotel/airfare to take it in Chicago. FSA was one of only 2 topics that I did not get 70+ on L1 Also taking the 3 day Schweser class and the Schweser Online Problem solving…hopefully that will get me all set. For level one I did the Live Multi-Phase in Philly and it helped greatly

I second John Harris… his class is amazing… makes really sure you get the concept cold… and his question bank and the “triggers” are good too…