He's Kraftyyyyyy!

That’s a cute comment, but do you really understand the extent to which this is put into practice in the real world? Do you have any idea the extent of the evil?


Can’t believe I am going to agree with CW. Will add tho, it is not just about economic elites. These people don’t see these Asian women as equals, but rather just there for indulgence. This is the same as hollywood producers preying on young girls trying to break into acting.

you and I are going to LOVE how this plays out. The meek are inheriting the Earth. Nerdy I’m not so sure.

if the weak inherit the earth, then it truly will be the end of days for they will not know how to run it.

Love is the new money. We got love love love, you better believe it.


_ Meek _, not weak.

In the words of Archie Bunker, it’s a whole other thing.

a meek dude with a hot chick is going to get jacked