
Hi! Forget equities, yields on Brazillian sovereign debt are ridiculous! http://www.bloomberg.com/markets/rates-bonds/government-bonds/brazil/

Please enclose the funds in an envelope and adress to: Mr. Pink PO Box 12354 Toronto, ON You’ll get a good return, I promise. Ok.thx.bai


^ I haven’t seen that for a decade. And sort of reminds me of my college years. Hi ravindaryenugu

Hi Hey Hola Ciao Hallo Marhaba Namaste Hallo Oi, olá, alô nihao Saluton Moi Salut shalom privjet Merhaba Bye. :slight_smile:


The guy is from Andhra Pradesh, India and speaks Telugu if I’m not wrong

^ He’s an IT guy, a computer engineer who accidentally bumped into small family wealth management consulting shop. Looks like he wants to get into the circuit now, so his question is quite genuine actually, I guess he should sign up for CFA. http://www.linkedin.com/in/ravindaryenugu