How to handle my silly boss

Congratulations on your decision to leave this place. It sounds like you were really unhappy here. Anyway, like the others said, don’t say anything negative during your exit interview. You never know who your boss is going to talk to. Good luck on your upcoming job search.

I agree on not burning bridges. I’ll never understand why people value being in the office at random hours. What matters is if the work gets done and done well. Obviously if its some investment banker and you have to wait until 2am to get the okay, that’s one thing, but if you’re just doing normal work it is rather mind-boggling. As for printing things out, your IT people should be able to have the ability to back up anything on a shared drive with the drop of the hat if someone tried to delete it. If your firm can’t do that, then you need to hire some IT people to work on your servers. We obviously print stuff a bunch of stuff anyway for SEC purposes just in case, but there’s no reason to print out everything.

Thanks all for the support, I am just too unfortunate to meet such an employer in my career. Yesterday, she wanted something which is totally irrelevant to the purpose. I did it but not completely as she has requested. She told me to show her but I said I have emailled her. She goes she needs to see it compared with the prevous version in printed format. So I printed both versions and combined to join 6 A3 paper, which was 6ft long. This p:ssed her off as it was too large and she started to argue with me. I was ready to have a go at her and I said it is a waste of time and not necessary. I politely disagreed to her on everything as I was testing her stance. Finally, she backed off as she may have sensed I am going to challenge her authority in front of everyone. Today, she came to office 11am and has been nicer to everyone but ignored me. I think my trick worked and hope this will smooth things out during my notice period. (any pyschology experts? Please comment) We do have IT people and the server is backed up on daily basis but the server has crashed several times this year since we have grown too big over the years. The server has now been upgraded, but she insist things are printed out and shown to her. For the excessive printing, I fear greenpeace activists will knock on my door someday or Treebeard (from the Lord of the Rings 2) will come and haunt me. Life isn’t easy and we all have to learn to adjust to it everyday.

Thanks, I did not mean no. 2. LMAO I now realise the typo, it should be “spanked” and not “spranked”. Actually, spank is a bad word too, I don’t know how it came to my mind, that does not mean I watch a lot of those videos.

back in my days as an equity research associate, I had a really crazy senior that would ask for the most outrageous things. I was so tempted to start a blog of the daily adventures, but as worried of my job should he ever discover it. So I never did. Looking back, I kind of regret I didn’t make it. I could just make it private until I left, then made it public

i feel the higher up on the lower rung you go, the more they feel they own you…just cause they pay you something decent, they feel they can treat you as they wish…

Hi Dal, I was in the same situation as you since June of this year. Joined my new company in January of this year to presumable work with some fantastic people, then there was a change in top management and most of the people with whom I was supposed to work left the company. I was left alone to handle everything, reporting to a top Executive. That was fine with me given that I know my job and I’m quite independent and proactive. However, when I returned back to work after my 2 weeks leave preparing for the CFA Exam, there was this new employee who was on top of my head. My understanding is that the vacancy was never advertised and that she got the post out of common relationship with the Chairman. During the 1st month, things were ok but as new assignments came in, we both came to realise that she was incompetent and instead of letting me work, she would try all ways to cut me off from client meetings, client information etc. She wanted things to be done her ways but in fact she did not know what she was doing. Given that I could not speak to clients, there was always information gaps leading to loads of queries to which she could not answer given that she hasn’t thought of asking. She was not professional. Each time I would get a go at her (for client matters), and I was almost always right, she would not talk to me for several days. I found that so childish. Finally, I decided to quit. Fortunately I have never had any problems finding a job, so as soon as I finalised something, I gave my resignation early in November and next week will be my last day. She was very happy when I announced my resignation and since then I have had nothing to do at work and she doesn’t speak to me apart from saying “Good morning”! That was just a little story to give you hope of better days - By the way can’t you deal with the husband instead of with the wife? To FrankArabia - I totally agree with you it sucks having women as a boss (I am also a woman and hope none of my subordinates have felt the same about me over time!)

my old boss put her hand over my hand to control the mouse a few times…is that appropriate?

I’ve had both men and women supervisors. There are definitely differences, but I don’t really find one gender better or worse than the other on the management score. The women bosses tend to be a little more understanding of things and good at creating a supportive environment for getting work done, but the men bosses tend to be able to say what they want and expect a little more clearly. As I’ve gotten older, the supportive environment is less important to me and the clear directives more important, but I can work pretty well with both men and women supervisors. I should add that all of my bosses have been reasonably qualified to do their jobs. No one I know of has gotten their job by nepotism or sleeping with the right people. So that’s probably a big difference. I hear that women have trouble working for other women because they feel more threatened by each other. As I’ve gotten more experienced, I start to realize how much of women’s lives is spent dominated by competing with other women. It sounds fiercer and worse than the competition between men, actually.

Worst Bosses Ever: Single Middle-aged Women that feel that work is their life’s goal

I did not have any problem with my former lady boss for whom I worked for 4 years. My current boss just want us all to babysit her all the time.

Well, perhaps I have not had that many experiences working for/with women, but each time it was that type of women “Single [Middle-aged] Women that feel that work is their life’s goal”, as iteracom suggested, it was not good at all! By the way which age group is “Middle-age”?

i think its tough to be a women…you gotta get all dressed up in high heels and sexy attire all the time…