How we feelin about the new James Bond?... I mean "Jamey" Bond??

Huh, TIL. I always assumed you were old af. Also thought you were straight.

Nope, just a millennial wise beyond my years. It’s a burden being this intelligent! Why so binary bro?

^^ true, gotta check myself, gotta respect that you’re on the spectrum.

haha cuz why would a dude color his hair.

Nerdy, asking why I did anything I did in the 2000’s and expecting a reasonable explanation is setting yourself up for disappointment.

Ah, libtards, so insecure.


Ay, mijo!!! You try peeing standing up in a plane that is going wumpity bump bump and report back!!! :-1:

when i shit. i pee at the same time. sitting down. it sounds weird. but its just so efficient. kind of like peeing in the shower. with that said i also brush my teeth in the shower. i have an electric toothbush that is no longer used because i brush longer and more effectively in the shower. that is also where i fap or fuck at times.

this movie looks as generic as it gets, they could have just clipped scenes together from older bond movies and released it as the trailer for the new film and no one would tell it wasn’t real

I sort of forgot we were talking about James Bond. I’m going to miss this forum this weekend when it’s locked.

Apparently it ain’t gonna be.

New experiment.

Never said I was young, said I’m not a boomer and that I’m wise beyond my years…

Image result for center for kids who can't read good

gen x just can’t catch a break

Where’s the AF karma upvote when you need one :slight_smile:

Why don’t they just make level 1 open book from now on. Jesus.

In real life everything is open book

I’m one of them newfangled millenials bro!

oldest millenials are 40 right? i didnt think most of you were over that. cept ohai.

I think 38 is the cutoff. I think Ohai is early 30’s.

i won’t lie, I did think you were 40’s. I guess it’s cuz I’m jealous of your skills that I just associated you with being older.

No fence