I did GIPS and I liked it

Spasibo cuvak

Smart haha. 100, 50, .66666666, 100


Krok and Jsnazz,

I know this is alot of ā€œifsā€ , but if I pass this exam and if I pass gips - pm your emails iā€™ll email money transfer each of you enough for a case of beer.

Cheers and Thanks!

Another thing with GIPS is to have a good mental image of what a compliant presentation looks like. The study note providers Iā€™ve been using both say thereā€™s a high likelihood of being shown a GIPS presentation and be asked to identify what might be wrong with with it.

There are 9 required columns:

(Y) Year (look for not enough years presented based on composite inception date)

Ā© Composite Return (net, gross or both)

(B) Benchmark Return

(C-STD) Composite Std Dev (post-2010 - look for notes as to why a figure may not be presented)

(B-STD) Benchmark Std Dev

(N) Number of portfolios (not required if 5 or fewer)

(I) Internal Dispersion (not required if 5 or fewer)

(A) Composite Assets

(F) Firm Assets (or the composite % of firm assets)

Y-C-B (C+B have STDs) N-I-A-F

FYI the above is based on a post made a couple of years ago here: https://www.analystforum.com/forums/cfa-forums/cfa-level-iii-forum/91342850

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No worries! Here is hoping we both pass!


Does anyone have a link to what this guy was reading?


I canā€™t seem to access the link.


If you log on to the CFAI website and search for GIPS, youā€™ll see the GIPS Standards 2010 doc posted. Not sure if thatā€™s what he was referring to but thereā€™s some helpful stuff on here.

Hey thanks. What helpful stuff are you referring to? I think I found the document he is referring to but it is waayyyyy too long to read.


I was referring to the first doc that shows up when you search for GIPS on the CFAI website. Itā€™s the 2010 standards doc. The first 30-something pages are about the standards and the rest are examples/definitions. Not a bad option to review if you donā€™t want to read the text itself.