i don't understand how I failed.

good advice people thanks. I think for me I just had a flawed strategy. I didn’t do any mock exams, just focused on eoc questions and blue box examples. So I guess I need to learn how to answer AM essay the way CFA wants me too, not how I would normally answer.

The first time I took level III was 8 years ago so I had forgotten how weird this test is. Next year I won’t make the same mistakes.

^ Good luck Biggchinn… We will do it together the next time around, I failed band 10 this year. And I have got some important points/strategies too from this thread.

i think you need to practice writing more tests man for the essay… may be some change of strategy… it is unlikely that you have read all and still band 4, did you get very low scores in the AM? or did you shaded the answer to wrong questions in PM… otherwise this is very unlikely…

however i would say, enjoy life till December now, from Jan start ur preparation and Apr & May just practice schweser qbank, mock tests etc, that should do .

At Level III there are no pretenders and, as mentioned above, slipping from Fail 10 to 4 is not like slipping from 70 to 35%, so try to get beyond the trend and chalk it up to experience (albeit painful). All I can say is make sure you are providing an answer to the question they are asking…most people sitting for the exam at this point know the material and so the differentiating element here is your precise interpretation of the fact pattern and answer of the question that is asked. In the time contrained environment its easy to fall into the trap of spinning the answer to what you most comfortable speaking to.

Your not alone in being slapped around by LIII…a curriculum that on its face is interesting and reasonably intuitive and not so quant driven (as opposed to II) but is so damn nuanced and grey as to bring strong men to their knees! Take some time off and focus on concept more than facts next time around!

To be honest, while you are thinking why did you fail, some (myself included) probably are thinking why did we pass?

It’s just as puzzling on the other side, no one knows, but hope you don’t continue to dwell on this.