I failed...stupid error stopped me from taking the exam!

I’m sorry to hear that Citygirl. I think I saw you as you were leaving, I believe you were on your mobile phone, as I heard you telling someone that you had registered for the wrong test center. Also sorry for not rearranging a revision session, certain circumstances made it quite difficult. Hope everything is ok at work

Should have known better. The CFA I is one of coldest hearted orgs you can find. You got to bring your A game to all aspects of the program, even planning and logistics.

citygirl, that’s horrible for you. But in a few weeks or months, it will be a funny story to you. It’s a funny story to me right now.

Cheer up citygirl! Most of us who studied our asses off feel the exam was so tough, its kinda like rolling the dice as to whether you pass or fail. The important thing to keep in mind is that the Level 2 curriculum is to be seen as something to be taken in steps, i.e. something that you gradually grow to understand over a few years of failing. (at least that’s what I tell myself) So don’t get too down on urself, just keep working hard and preparing for next yr. Read the forum and get an idea of the sort of topics/questions you can expect next yr. Peace!

I almost didn’t get a chance to take the test. Apparently, the day before the exam I took my Driver’s License out of my wallet to go to the pool. I forgot to put the ID back into my wallet when I got home. The proctor wouldn’t let me in without a valid government issued photo ID. My heart was racing. I called my wife (on the proctor’s phone) and asked her to bring my passport down to the testing center. Ten minutes before the exam started, my wife still didn’t show up. I was getting worried. The proctor wouldn’t let me in even if I could prove that I was me later on. Five minutes before the exam started I got a call from my wife. She was downtown, but 3 blocks away. I decided that I would run to meet her as she approached. The funny part is that I was wearing flip flops. I had to take off my flip flops and run through Baltimore streets barefoot (gross). I ran back to the testing area and came in just time to fill in my name on the answer sheet. I’m sorry this happened to you Citygirl. I sympathize with you. I was really scared that the same thing might have happened to me.

Wait - let’s be honest. You weren’t just at the wrong exam center. You were in the wrong country.

aweful. Sucks. ,but is it better to not have taken the exam or to have taken it and failed it? you have a good excuse. The rest of us don’t.

How do you figure out where to go to on the exam day without a correct ticket?

Sorry to hear that CityGirl. This event too will fade, and going by your strict study pattern for the exam, I reckon you would complete the program if you plan to continue. Then, what happened might make a good afterthought laugh. If you feel it might affect your work appraisal, then you don’t have to tell @ work, then. The last exam is the most unsettling exam experience I ever did. My boss got a visa which he insisted on using before it expired. Initially he was billed to go on leave by March or April. Eventually, he would go on leave in late May and arrive in the office last Thursday. I only got Friday off. Fortunately, I had booked a flight (from Nigeria to Ghana) for Friday evening. Thankfully, the weather did not go bad enough to cancel the flight, apart from sunday when I returned back home. Meanwhile, I had never been as destabilized for an exam as I was in the last 3 weeks…

Told my boss and it went ok…looks like I’ll be back next year with the correct test centre, and hopefully a better understanding of pension acconting… Decided would be a waste to give up because of my silly mistake. Just need to make damn sure I pass next year.

Glad to hear your not giving up, citygirl…when you see what people like omoobagberume have to do–fly to another country to take exam–you really can’t allow a mistake that has to happen to someone slow you down. You’re young now, and you’ll be young when you ultimately get your charter.

Bump as a reminder to everyone: make sure you check your IDs, passport, location, etc. well ahead of the exam!

Holy crap - wasn’t even worried about it, logging into CFAI now (if I can remember my damn password) and printing that out after quintuple checking it. Jesus, I hope that girl’s ready for this year.

I know someone that had to miss L3 one year because of an expired ID, so thought it was a good time to remind everyone to get everything in order now!!

Aimee. Thanks. Looks like im all good.

wow horror story. I just checked my exam ticket and my license.