I got a very poor results, plz give some suggestion on preparation[updated]

Dude, thx. In the cfai textbook, in behaviour finance, it Will have a lengthen material about what is utitlity theory, but it will not being tested, should I skip them? And better focus on cognitive bias, and emotional bias?

I’m a Vietnamine too. Can I get a wha what?

For example , in behaviour finance, I will skip the readings on behavior model, because I didn’t seen them were being tested before. Is my approach ok? Just to read what will be tested on the cfai textbook. Becuase the book is over 500 pages. So I will better focus on what is heabily being tested

Murphy’s law.

Dont skip anything.

Cgy is correct. You can’t skip sections, that’s a huge gamble. CFAI can test pretty much anything they want to. With that said, you aren’t going to learn every little thing, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore topics. Be mindful of the exam weights posted in the CFA website.

Ok. Thx all!!!

Always remember, no shortcuts. Efficiencies yes, shortcuts no. Best of luck!

PM shouldn’t take that long if you know the material, I had maybe more than an hour left but decided to take my time and review a few questions I wasn’t 100% on.

I agree with klaudnine, I had a similar experience. I was tight on time in the AM and massively time rich during PM. That’s why I’m a big believer in focusing on AM prep from the start. Since you’re well prepared for item set questions at L3, turning your attention towards AM practice does two things. One, helps ensure readiness on test day - AM session can be brutal and a lot of writing practice is the only remedy. Two, writing answers from the get go helps ingrain the content in your head making for better recall on exam day - both for the AM and PM sessions.

Don’t read the CFAI books … if you can’t read that fast. I can never read through those wordy, roundabout CAFI text books. Use Schweser notes. You’ll move much faster, and have more time to practice questons/mocks etc.

There is no way to figure out which area will be tested and which will not be. I’ve noticed somtimes (from L1 thru L3) … you have some major/fundamental formulas - i’m 99.99% sure that will be touched in exam - but it was not. Sooo … you just need to read everything. If you are a re-takers, much easier to read 2nd time around (that’s what i found)