If you just received your second L3 fail email, it's probably time to give up


i know a guy, chinese with broken english and very poor grammar, passed L3 first attempt with high score.

apparently the key lies in the keywords you put in the answers. He also told me that he recited many past answers.

Are you speaking about yourself in the third person?..

This guy’s message is spot on for majority of the cube trolls in finance who can’t explain complex results to people outside of their immediate department.

Now, giving up on the CFA because you are one (of many) people who stuggle with effective communication isn’t the right answer if you wish to move up in your career.

After all, professional growth is why we’re here, so why shy away from your weak areas?

i could not disagree more.

My colleague failed level 3 twice and she passed this year

I think nobody would think that this exam is out reach for an average person, It is just about the simple fact. Everyting has its own price… otherwise I am pretty sure your colleague wuold be able to passthe exam on the 4th or 5th attempt if she would’ve failed on the 3rd time.

Why would I do that? If you think my english is that broken, you will not be able to understand what he tries to say.

I am a girl, and I failed L3 last yr.


are you hot?