IFRS VS GAAP difference

Difference b/w IFRS and GAAP are listed in the last few chapters of CFAI FRA book, that is the best source in my experience.

please can you send it to me. paulwood1982@hotmail.com much appreciated Many thanks.

hi, would you please send it to me as well? stephanie.h.sun@gmail.com

Hi, Could you please send me your spreadsheet to soulbeats@gmail.com Thanks in Advance.

Hello Superinconsistent or anu21v, Please send it to me at cena25@gmail.com Thanks in advance

Please send it to me as well dtrynoski@yahoo.com Thanks in advance

Hi, Could you please send it to vresume2006@yahoo.com too. Thanks in advance.

Please send to aztekbs@gmail.com Thanks.

Hey rus1bus - would be great if I can get a copy as well: sujanp@gmail.com Thanks.

Hei rus1bus , I would appreciate a copy too. Supersunny138 @ gmail . com TIA

Hei rus1bus , Could you please forward a copy too me as well. agjamesnewyork@yahoo.com

hi,plz send me a copy aswell.........ashishkumarlakra@aol.com

Hey rus1bus, Can I have a copy as well? collinyeo@gmail.com Thanks for sharing. Appreciate it.

http://cfodirect.pwc.com/CFODirectWeb/Controller.jpf?ContentCode=MSRA-7LPLQU&ContentType=Content PWC seminar on GAAP vs IFRS. You’ll thank me when you get a >70 on exam day.

Sent to: studysmarts@yahoo.com, sasank.majumdar@gmail.com, devlins@uoguelph.ca, ssam233@gmail.com, job71188@gmail.com, jimkaw@yahoo.com, jmoreeniii@gmail.com, lwood1982@hotmail.com, stephanie.h.sun@gmail.com, soulbeats@gmail.com, cena25@gmail.com, dtrynoski@yahoo.com, aztekbs@gmail.com, sujanp@gmail.com, Supersunny138@gmail.com, agjamesnewyork@yahoo.com, ashishkumarlakra@aol.com, collinyeo@gmail.com Also, as razedge said correctly: -------- Difference b/w IFRS and GAAP are listed in the last few chapters of CFAI FRA book, that is the best source in my experience. ------- I had compiled most of it from there. Also, if things have changed since I compiled it, or if something is stated incorrectly in the sheet, please share and let the group know. PS: got undelivered message from lwood1982@hotmail.com.

Please send one to me as well… roving_analyst1@yahoo.com Thanks!!

I would really appreciate it you could send me a copy to krunal13aug@gmail.com Thanks!!!

Me too, inkjetkings@gmail.com. Thanks!

will you also send to me? my email address is hana.choe@hotmail.com Thank you. Hana

Can I have too. pka2005@yahoo.com Thanks.