Immigration Canada vs States

if we are going to be selective about who comes in we might as well select the hottest. personally, i would like nothing more than to flood the us with a lot of immigrants. it would certainly make wages go down, plus wed be able to have servants like in the Philippines. but there are several issues that would occur:

  1. culture homogenization: many of these new migrants will stay within their own culture ghettos and not mix with the melting pot. the whole point of immigration is that these people immerse themselves in our culture and become loyal to our country while at the same time fulfilling a need in our country.

  2. lower npv: low quality immigrants who are here will have a positive npv at first, but over time as they age, they will become a liability, as their productivity substantially declines. Also depending on how many dependents they bring, these could add additional costs to the system without providing a benefit.

  3. lower wages for unskilled nativists: ultimately who is left behind are the people that suck. it could be an older person, a sickly person, or even a person that is outright lazy. the help we could provide for these people who are of same culture will be diluted by those who may not even be loyal to our country.

Nope, he’s an overweight 50 y/o who lives in a garden apartment/condo and spends most of his time being wrong.

True, if you have ever been on Harvard or other elite university campus, you’d agree that there is a definite lack of physical hotness on campus. Therefore, I propose to have at least a 10% quota of 9/10 people or higher. This will be to “reward” the 90% remaining population that worked hard for their achievement, but are largely comprised of socially inept virgins.

ohai you are forgetting the fact that physical hotness is a normal distribution. 9 out of 10 or higher is prolly only about 5% of the population and that’s if we are being generous.

Fact check yo’self. There were lawsuits in the 1990s mostly by jewish students who felt displaced at ivy league due to policy of admitting asians . Guy named Ron something – libertarian jewish tech exec from california was on this early. He had the data that showed standardized test scores were comparable, but unis admitted more asians. He was a sharp guy, ran for office in Cali and lost of course…

Hotness is a positively skewed distribution.

Also no way is a 9, 5% of the population. 9’s are about 1%. 10’s would be 0.1%.

Pretty sure this is how we got Ivanka.

Lofty assumption

universities are effective ways to screen for intelligence, and people with money!