Interview Alibi

MRW someone else quotes Bateman:

Image result for patrick bateman gif

I think this is incredibly petty. As Ohai said, they are lying in any case.

This goes to show why you may have to interview at several places even if you are qualified. You can get dinged for some really silly stuff.

Lying is not petty.

I only had to say where I was my first year out of college. I had a manager that was a super b*tch. She wanted to track me so much as we were butting heads that she made me create an excel chart for each minute I worked.

What really pissed her off was in the excel chart I noted ‘create log for time worked’ as filling up 10min on the chart. lolol

For consulting you have to bill clients so you had to track hours you work for a specific case. When you do nothing, you just put studying sas, which is code for studying for l1. I was once called out for studying. I told them I’d be more discreet. To be fair he manager was banging interns, so All bad all around. Haha. Hot ass intern though, I believe she works at google now.

Usually people know when you are interviewing either way. Just BAU