Is the pen in the ear look still “in”?

but the chinese headphones dont understand english!

Funny you mention that. DU just did a huge sting operations and caught like 40 Asian students cheating by using a handheld chinese/English translator on their tests. They can get wrecked I say.

What is DU

Denver University. It’s our “Yale” (AKA, the biggest fish in the smallest pond - although, there are becoming more and more boutique shops out here these days).

Clear conspiracy and persecution by western ManBearPig who are threatened and doomed by the outperformance of CSI 300 and long vol on imminently collapsing US stocks.

I like to rock the calculator-in-the-breast-pocket look. It gets dem ladies.

Your Yale is the 96th ranked school in the country? This is not a valid analogy. Also, apparently your Yale is tied with your UConn, which is I’m guessing, UC Boulder.

iunno how you’re measuring that. I looked up Daniels college of business and it was ranked 57. So, that’s better than 97.

but 57 isn’t so bad. It’s like 75k a yr. and the school is exceptionally reknown in Denver. A lot of the heavy hitters in this community went here.

Again, I know relatively speaking to doing a PhD at the London school of economics it may not compare, but that’s why I used the “biggest fish smallest pond” analogy.

And don’t hate on boulder. That place is dooooope. It’s right next to the coors light plant

I used US news national university ranking where it is 96. Daniels MBA is ranked 91 by US News. Undergraduate business program rankings are garbage which is why Bloomberg Businessweek (the ranking you cited for 2016) stopped doing them in that year, the same year the elite school of Villanova was #1 in the country.

Good effort, but that is the 96th ranked school.

bruh u gottta rep em ovo aka 6god merch

Actually most elite schools don’t have undergrad business programs. They have econ instead

Its still a good school. In fact, I’m totally okay with it being that far ranked down the list. I’m so sick and effing tired of so many slack jawed ass hats moving to this state, so if a ranking like that deters someone from coming here and doing it then awesome.

For realsies though, you don’t think the standard of living and quality of life in Denver is top notch? It attracts some exceptionally qualified faculty. Which is all you need - because capm says the same thing in a state schools textbook that it does at Yale.

I know, that’s why BB stopped the rankings and why I called them garbage, I called Villanova elite as a joke…

I love the three down votes simply stating facts about the ranking gets lol.

See the source image

So at this point it’s clear you’re just defending your own book.

The reality is twofold. 1) The depth and rigor of classes is only as difficult as the median student at best. There’s a reason they’re not teaching Math 55 at Alabama. When you have a 60% acceptance rate and bottom barrel selection that is not going in your favor additionally the professors are certainly a cut below that of top tier schools. 2) The quality of recruiting is night and day and it has lasting impacts that reverberate for years because of the compounding effect of the quality of work experience in the early years and doors that progressively shut as a result. None of this is rocket surgery, it’s just facts of life this is why people compete to go to top schools and bribe their kids in. The comparison of text books is overly simplistic.

Does that make it a good or bad school? It’s all relative and good is a subjective qualifier, but objectively it’s about the 96th ranked school (Forbes puts it at 103). Nothing wrong with going there, but I just don’t think most of what was stated was accurate.

I didn’t vote, but maybe it’s not the facts but the manner in which they are shared :slight_smile:

The internet brings out the worst in us doesn’t it?

Lol. The delivery was fine, the photo captured it well. It is fine to point out that someone claiming a school’s ranking is half what it is based on a ridiculous cherry picked data point then building a straw man around text books is ridiculous. I even gave props for the effort to at least find the one obscure data point to misrepresent his case.

As a peace offering, I’ve found this song I think people here will enjoy.


FWIW - I’m not the one who’s actually thumb downing all your posts.

So, I’m not sure why you’re calling me a snowflake. I’ll admit when I’m wrong, or could improve my argument.

No worries, wasn’t directed at you, just people getting upset over wording. It’s also catchy.
