Jan. 28

Got myself involved in other activities that I missed out during the study for L1. Surprisingly, time just flew by for me. Logged into AF after more than a month today. Slowly transitioning back into study mode now, hoping to see a PASS on 28th…

I’m sleeping fine, but definitely worried about the exam results. At times I feel that I passed… others I feel like…oh no! Fail! Just a few more days…

If anything’s keeping me up at night, it’s the fact that my bank (and every other bank) is constantly getting slammed with bad news.

Hi Guys! I am getting anxious about the results as I hear my friends talking about it and showing great confidence that they passed. I estimate 70% that I passed though no basis to justify the number. I agree with people who suggest to dip oneself into work/study level 2. But I really want to know the reuslts first. So these days are highly unproductive. Perhaps I can give a harmful advice to those who feel that 28 jan as a splinter in your mind - do drink vodka, but not too much.

About 14,500 people will pass - perhaps we should think of it in these terms? Better than thinking in terms of percentages?

I guess its easier when you dont care about L2 right now. cuz imma wait till next june to take it.i cant afford to take that one twice. How do i feel about the test? Eh… meh. I shouldve scored higher than my level 7 band. Im sleeping just fine.

So you’re saying that around 30,000 people will fail, then? Great. I put it at about a 40% chance that I passed, 60% chance that I failed. Well, given the afternoon section, maybe 2% pass, 98% fail. I think they put in the part about fat tails just to give us a false hope while we’re waiting for results.

is there any answer key or solution kinda thing available to match ??? for reassurance of our assumption of us being passed or failed…anywhere ???

i already feel pretty shitty for aimlessly pursuing designations (because i don’t know what i want to do with my life) and this feeling has had more effect on me than the prospect of failing. so i wouldn’t be too devastated if i do actually fail. i just know i won’t be returning, but i guess it wasn’t all for naught. i did learn quite a bit of new things while cramming for Dec. exam.

I am incredibly nervous about this result, and I can’t stop thinking about it. Although I really feel I failed, part of me is desperate to think its possible I could have passed! You guys in the US are lucky though, I’m in London and it’ll be 2pm for me when we get results, its going to be the longest morning at work I’ve ever had!

approaching_c Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > i already feel pretty @#$%& for aimlessly > pursuing designations (because i don’t know what i > want to do with my life) and this feeling has had > more effect on me than the prospect of failing. so > i wouldn’t be too devastated if i do actually > fail. i just know i won’t be returning, but i > guess it wasn’t all for naught. i did learn quite > a bit of new things while cramming for Dec. exam. Are you quitting regardless of your results or only if you failed? Either way, I wish you the best of luck.

Pfft… if I fail, my courses’ grade this semester will be hugely affected.

what is the today’s email from cfai about? i can see the mail in my igoogle but cannot open it from work

I am waiting on the results and see this scary thing… Do other people see this on the right side of their page at CFAI…com ? Welcome You are now logged in Manage your account You may: Sign up for the June 2009 exam Sign up for the December 2009 exam Your registration fee includes the curriculum The fact that it says I can register for Dec 2009 (which I can’t) scares the crap out of me.

Posted in the other thread on this topic and worth posting here too: Guys, it’s not that serious, really… Get a girlfriend, a dog, a hobby maybe… If a test is owning your thoughts, passing should be the least of your worries. You guys sound like you’re waiting for the jury to come back with the verdict in a murder trial. I’ve enjoyed life more than ever this past month and have barely thought about the results. Maybe it’s because I feel I beat the crap out of the test and am not worried about passing but even if I was borderline, it’s out of my hands now, nothing I can do about it. Time to move on to other pressing issues. Enjoy your families, your friends, and everything else you put off while studying for level 1. Not trying to offend anyone really, but some people on here are taking this way too seriously as if it’s all that there is to life. Think about how much more your qualified than the average person who didn’t even take the test. Be proud of yourselves that you even had the courage to put your life on pause for 4 months plus to try this. Those of you that have gigs in finance, know that you already are better off than some of us, like myself, who are trying to break in. More than anything THINK POSITIVE. It works!!!

Ignore anything that you see on that screen, everyone gets that as a candidate. Remember, until you have officially passed, you are still a L1 candidate. This is the only link you should care about http://www.cfainstitute.org/RGu38t/View/resultletterform.aspx.

http://www.cfainstitute.org/RGu38t/View/resultletterform.aspx ? What is this link for?

Thats where the results will be posted. Here’s the email I got on 12/19 from CFAI Dear CFA Program candidate: On 28 January 2009, we will post results for the December 2008 CFA exam online here: http://www.cfainstitute.org/RGu38t/View/resultletterform.aspx. Using this link is the fastest way to get your CFA exam results. You will need your username and password to access your results. Please contact us at http://www.cfainstitute.org/loginsso/SSOManagementApplication/View/ForgottenCollector.aspx if you have forgotten this information. For fastest service please contact us before 28 January. We ask for your patience on 28 January, as technical issues can sometimes slow the availability of results. Again, please visit http://www.cfainstitute.org/RGu38t/View/resultletterform.aspx no earlier than 9:00 a.m. ET on 28 January 2009. Results will not be posted before then. Please contact us at http://www.cfainstitute.org/aboutus/contact/index.html if you have any questions.

I have been way too preoccupied with trying to find a new job to worry much about the exam result. Compared to finding a job with enough income to support my family, the CFA exam has seemed much less important. But studying did at least keep me preoccupied while searching, which was a blessing…and I did of course have plenty of time to prepare. Gut feeling still says I passed…but we’ll know soon enough. But now that I’ve found that new job today (!) I can start worrying again about the exam result next Wednesday. Talk about an eventual week ahead for me…I start on Monday.

Congratulations dapoopa. I hope that the test result is positive for you.