Jews and Finance (Respectfully)

Very interesting post. I’m still trying to figure out if it’s racist, but there have been some thought provoking and informative responses. Well done folks (assuming I determine this is not racist, which is the direction I’m leaning).


Racism is about the belief that a race is superior over another. Don’t think anyone is espousing that opinion yet. Another example of how different cultures view professions differently - gender: In Russia, dentistry is considered a female profession. When my dad went to dental school in the US in the 70’s there was not a single woman in his class at Ohio State. The profession is still mostly male in the US.

Happy Rosh Hashanah my Jewish Brothers/Sisters.

Isn’t Rosh Hashanah over?

Yea I think it was last Thursday and Friday

In hindsight though, I didn’t wish our Jewish friends a Happy Rosh Hashanah at all, so I guess CvM’s belated well wishes are better than my lack of well wishes.

An early Happy Yom Kippur to our Jewish friends!!!

“Happy Yom Kippur” : Jews :: “Happy Good Friday” : Christians

Some cultures are better in some things than others, so are some races, what’s the big deal?

I mean, it’s like saying African Americans are better at basketball… well statistically speaking, it’s true!

I don’t think it’s racist as long as the comments are based on facts and it’s not intended to put anyone down.

^ It’s not racist as long as it’s true and positive. If it’s true and negative it’s still considered racist.

I don’t know about the second (and the third is really like the first), but you left out that Chinese numbers are much simpler than the ones we ones. My understanding (not anywhere near complete) is that 0-9 are all one syllable and any bigger number of just constructed using 0-9 (so eleven is like one one). Easier to think about numbers that way.

I think there is also a selection effect. It’s a huge country with a lot of people and the ones that we are more likely to come into contact with in the U.S. are more likely to be the smart ones.

The Rothschilds control everything.

What r chinks?

If the facts are true and negative, they are not considered racist.

If the INTENTIONS are negative, then they are racist.

On the topic of math… I don’t know about Chinese specifically but southeast Asians in general (Japanese, Chinese, Singaporean, etc) focus on math at a MUCH earlier stage. I would say on average asian students can go to north american highschool and ace all the math classes easily.

Madoff was…oh wait…

Can you provide some more details on this? What is the typical progression of math topics in these countries. In the U.S., students normally take pre-Algebra around 12 and then two years of Algebra, a year of Geometry, then maybe the advanced students will take a year of pre-Calculus and then Calculus in their last year of high school. I can’t quite remember how things progressed in elementary school.

also, I think more cheating on tests happens in China than in the States…what are peoples thoughts on this???


Algebra is definitely taught in elementary school in Asia. i remember variables (x, y, etc…) were introduced in gr.3-4 perhaps in Japan?

Calculus (integration and differenitation, etc) is definitely taught in highschool in Japan, and i suspect would be similar in other Asian countries.