Kim vs Trump—Showdown in Singapore!

Trump saluting DPRNK general. Sad!

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Whoops. Don’t think that worked. I’ll repost tomorrow.

Pompeo says won’t put timeline on North Korea denuclearization steps

Of course they won’t, cause the whole thing is fake news.

Americans already forgot Korea exists, and are now distracted with the “trade war,” which will probably be nothing also. But wow, sure appears Trump is “doing stuff” or whatever!

but dont worry, the iran deal was a complete joke - some have said the worst deal of all time! this here, THIS is a deal. Nothing set in stone, nothing written down - just a DJT handshake. How could this possibly not work!

Dude on the left has a sucky job.

Gotta somehow keep pretending some kind of deal exists. Better bring sacks of cash for Kimmy Kims!

Bwahhaha! Anyone who has watched Americans do business in Asia, and fail miserably, understands this Asian response…

North Korea says talks with Pompeo were ‘regrettable’

lol you believe the Korean MSM?

What they say fits the pattern. And we know 100% America did this—making “deals” with a gun to the other party’s head.

When the US gets THAAD out of SK, or finally ends the war and gets their military garbage out of SK, THEN a decade or two later Kim may decide it’s safe to dial down nukes. Just unilateral demands? Then no deal, period.

Promises made promises kept

Nobel! Nobel! Nobel!

People don’t realize how devastating this is to the cabal. It’s over. The meeting w the queen where he did not bow was a meeting to accept their surrender. Winners don’t bow. The last remaining cabal hold-the-world-hostage stronghold is Iran, which is crumbling as we speak. Game over.

Next up: France and zee Germanz.

winners dont bow, they just tremble/crumble before putin? if NK is dismantling thats awesome!

It’s a team – Trump, Putin, Xi. The three best friends that anybody could have, and they’ll never ever ever ever ever leave each other! People will understand soon enough.

“people will understand soon” is the exact smug self righteous BS that makes conspiracy theorists feel all warm & fuzzy inside. makes you feel part of the in group.

its ok turd, you are appreciated! :+1:

i know exactly which buttons to push. how does that feel? I love you lil cubbie.

can we please bring CvM back

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one of the top copypastas ever. that & the sr-71 one are tops for me

Trump fooled again! The rest of the world is really having a field day manipulating him. :confused:

“It’s business as usual,” a U.S. official with knowledge of the latest intelligence assessment on North Korea told Fox News on Tuesday. The official specifically noted Kim’s regime is pushing forward with building ICBMs — the missiles that caused the North Korea to be placed under heavy sanctions.

Last week, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told a Senate panel North Korea continues to produce fissile material needed to make nuclear warheads.