L1 in Dec 07 & L2 Fail?

Pass Pass

Pass Pass

pass pass

Pass Pass

Pass Pass

pass pass

Pass Pass

pass fail (bank 9) - I guess there goes my excuse as to why I failed…


PASS PASS - both times with mostly back end-loaded studying (3-4 weeks L1, 2 months L2). Similar scores both times. Both times used mostly Schweser, with CFAI supplements (Ethics, QM, FI, FSA)

pass pass

PASS FAIL welll i tried busprof strategy din work for me tho but i m not yet out of the game

pass pass

pass fail. registered for 2009.

pass pass

pass fail (band 8)

pass, pass

Pass. >70% all. Pass. <70% on 3 small sections. The differences are that I have one extra month on level 1 and have one full pass on CFAI book besides reading Schweser. No background.

pass pass

pass PASS. Let’s go for the 18 month tri-fecta. It’s crazy to think that at this time last year we were just starting to study for Level I (with 5 months of waiting for results in between)!