Last stretch Pain is about to be Over

It’s funny, when starting to study for CFA exams, I thought that I’ll know A LOT about finance once I’m on LVL3.

Even before my LVL1 exam, I looked admirably to the LVL3 section and thought that they are a really smart bunch and they know the ins and outs of finance.

Now, in a few weeks, I sit in the LVL3 section feeling dumb as a rock and nervous as sh!t.

God, how a few years changes perspective.

Hope none of us have to add a question mark at the end of this thread topic. :slight_smile:

although i’ll sit for lv 3 in a week, and although i’ll prob apply to be certified, i now look at people i work with with the THREE LETTER after their names as some dumb weirdos… haha, and that’s what i think of myself too… all the pain for some sort of commitment… and i even felt my “finance acumen” is decreasing at a rapid speed when i try to memorize ethics, gips, return/risk tradeoff, constraints, how to calc liquidity requirements, etc. etc.

I hope no one says after the exam when someone asks how the exam went; “I dont know but I am happy that it is over”. I never seen a person saying this actually passes. This holds true for myself too :slight_smile:

that’s what I always say and i’m 2/2 :slight_smile:

that’s what I always say and i’m 2/2 :slight_smile:

:wink: :grin:…Now that I call Stress Buster