Looking to shift into a generalist value BS role

I used to look forward to Infinity posts, but they are so angry lately. I hope everything is OK man

well i try to be rational and constructive but i do wig out from time to time and shoot from the hips. Although my comments/rant about traders and their uselessness in today’s finance market still stands.

No worries, just hoping you aren’t growing frustrated. In my limited experience with equities, good traders were a source of whisper information. Honestly not sure how legal much of the information was, but seems helpful for people who are holding positions for short periods

yes, that is true too. Sell side traders do have information on who is buying/selling what and how much and who is looking to buy and sell and how much…All very useful information. As you said above, not sure how legal and not saying that sell side traders or anyone for that matter disclose any of the above mentioned information…but useful info they have.

I would tend to agree as I know a few traders in B/S shops that sweat their long term futures all the time. Lets remember that Infinity did caveat that his “traders are useless” comment referred to those at big buy side shops, and not all traders. SS traders can add value too whether it be scale capacity or information for the buy and sell types. There are also structured products desks that can do things that aren’t traditionally visible to B/S analysts which add a lot of value to their clientele. All traders are useless may be a bit too much but they are also well aware their professions are in a precarious situation. Biggin’ up themselves all the time is probably just a self preservation method as a demonstration of their own value to the business. Lets be honest they can be a fun bunch with funny stories too.

ditto ^

appreciate it.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences. I’ve been trying to figure out a strategy for my career going forward and have been trying to get as much info as possible, so y’all have been helpful.