Maybe I am in over my head now

Yeah but doesn’t AF stand for Anonymous Forum

They call me “Three-X beta” now at work.


You doing okay?

Does he get the friends and family discount tho??? :hugs:

Trying to not look at it right now. I’m not at all convinced rising yields are what’s actually fueling the sell off. I think that’s just the convenient narrative that’s easily justifiable for the news networks.

Also think that eventually this will pass. There’s some good opportunities in the market at 20% off right now.

It’s always convenient narratives. Sometimes they work for us, sometimes against us. Stay strong! :large_blue_diamond: :raised_hands:

Diamond hands baby. That why I never play myself.

if you want to talk about it call me

I’m chill man. Not freaking out.

Bout to board a flight to San Diego and go party my nuts off all weekend


haha nice. where are you partying?

gonna meet up wtih nerdy for some thot hooks ups?

What do you mean you’re not convinced rising yields have anything to do with it? Of course they do… future cash flows/terminal values are worth less as they are discounted back by higher long-term interest rates. That’s why high multiple, high growth names that have a large % of their PV composed of cash flows far into the future have been hit the hardest. It’s simple math.

Yep das a good point. Higher discount rate. I have faith that the fed will push rates down even at the expense of inflation. The fed wouldn’t lie!

Yes! And every dip can and will be solved with some fresh QE! #FedPut

Show me the scatter plot. Oh wait, you may not find what you claim :blush:

lol i got no thots anymore. bitcoin just made a new video. he had an actual tiger and models. lol

You really just gonna ignore the other two hundred and twenty five thousand times that equity markets have #zoomed on the heels of rising rates like that?

Ten year rates are 1.5’ish right now? Go look at the all time historical trend of that, and overlay it with equity markets. You’ll find that all these “correlations” being thrown around can’t hold up under any quantitative scrutiny.

I’d still marry Taylor Riggs on the spot though.

edit: And yes I’m using the ten year yield as a proxy for monetary policy. The fed never doesn’t not follow the ten year.

I’m not talking about the equity market as a whole. My comment was directed at stocks deriving a large percentage of their value from cash flows projected far into the future. Set up a basic dcf model where the company generates a large percentage of free cash flows 5-10 years down the road. Then change the discount rate on those cash flows by 1% and tell me what you see.

Bruh… TELL me you sold PLTR last week. My eyes are starting to hurt watching this thing get an@lized day after day.

I think you give discounted cash flow analysis a little too much validity there dude.

You reeeeeeeeeeeally think that’s how stocks move?


How was San Diego, mijo???