Migrant Caravan

The hasbara is strong in this one.

Remember when republicans were for open borders?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Migrant Caravan Mysteriously Disappears But Leaves Behind Cool Wooden Horse

October 24th, 2018


“We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked…” - President Obama

In all seriousness, Trump and friends are cheering for this migrant caravan. It is going to be positive for Republican outcomes in the midterm elections, as it supports the their narrative of large mobs of illegal immigrants trying to force their way through the border with no regard for the law. Republicans now have another excuse to escalate border control rhetoric and use fear to motivate voter turnout.

Democrats have said nothing about this event - anything they say will be a trap. None of them wants to make a hard stand against the caravan, as they fear coming across as anti-immigration. On the other hand, supporting the admittance of thousands of illegal immigrants in a lawless manner will play into the Republican portrayal of Democrats as willing to disregard the law in favor of illegal immigrants. No elected representative in the US should openly advocate to ignore laws.

Nowadays politics is more about threatening what will happen if you don’t elect some person. This will just help convince Republican voters that their priorities are correct.

Having been to San Pedro Sula in Honduras I don’t really blame them

Post of the month.

casus belli. the us needs to pass harsher judgment to curb this type of behavior.

Found this picture interesting.

But, I still believe in the whole “give us your poor, your tired, your hungry, your sick” mentality. I’m also in love with a Mexican gal though, so I’m biased (we may get back together [totally beside my point though]).

^Not to mention the horde of TV cameras and journalists that are “conveniently” located right along their path.

As long as those poor and sick are not where you live, amiright? Set up a refugee camp for 4000 people in Tribeca or Palo Alto, and see how long it is before those guys change their view.


I mean, we literally just saw a Google maps printout of the route that they’re most likely taking. I don’t think cameras indicate anything. Give me money for a ticket (and a camera) and i could put a TV camera right along their path.

We need more laborers. We need more unskilled workers. Let them in and give them a path to citizenship.

We’re going to have to open our borders at some point in the future anyway. The population growth rate is slowing down (or stagnant) and our debt isn’t going to pay itself down.

lol thats a good point. if they are trying to be illegal immigrants they are definitely doing it the wrong way.

They’re not, they’re asylum seekers. They’re seeking asylum from a country that’s suffering from gang violence/extreme poverty – in part caused by the US.

They’re also capable of walking a long distance with minimal supplies. If they want to walk this far to work, I say let them. They’re clearly capable of work.

im not familiar with how asylum works, but imo this type of law should be reserved for only a few important people (think political leaders, or rich people facing persecution), not thousands of disgruntled poor people searching for a better life.

anyways it is my opinion that this is political stunt incited by the repubs to gain support.

trump’s policies suck though, i got a chinese co worker who has to go back to china cuz of visa issues. hes a smart dude from nyu, this type of shit shouldnt be happening to high quality dudes.

Learn to use the GD quotes.

Trump/Pence: “we must do what jesus would do and defend Christians every where in the world. let’s spill american blood and treasure saving some yezidis 10,000 miles away in iraq who are being terrorized by isis gangs!”

News: “there are suffering christian women and children right at our border, they are fleeing gangsters in central america who are trying to kill them”

Trump/Pence: “fok dem muthafockers, we can use their suffering to to win a political contest.”