Mock Exam

I got 68% too. I was watching the Nadal-Djokovic match and my attention was wandering I had a few RTFQ’s and definitely do not agree with CFAI’s explanation of the treasury sector causing not causing tracking risk. But given that there are about 3 weeks left , I was happy with the results

I am far behind, got only 54% Now doing 2010 Actual Essay Exam and unable understand explanation for Question8 A This is about percentage-of-portfolio rebalancing with +/-10% Band… I am not sure why the rebalancing would trigger if your target is 40% and current allocation is 45% as this is still within 30 to 50 band Any explanation to CFA Answer for this?

±10%range means for 40% the range is 36%-44%

I think its official. This year’s pre-exam Mock Afternoon Session was what some Americans like to call, " Insane in the membrane."

thanks goodman2011 for clarifying

cfalover honestly i didnt study nearly hard enough,i passed 1 and 2 first time but with lots of studying(you know,classic studying like January-May Schweser and EOC curriculum and Qbank) but last year i didnt have the strength to study at that rate…i just let go and passed the material 2-3 times but just that…nothing else,not even schweser end questions or the curriculum,and the only thing i got above 70 was fixed income,afternoon of course cause you saw the morning question… when i saw that i honestly think i was laughing and a proctor told me to be quiet…oh and btw last years paper was full of that taxes material which is one of 5 chapters of the individual and it is the only thing that am not studying this year,everything else i will but not that damn taxes…cause last year even though i spend the time to memorize the formulas like the attribution formulas you still cant find the question man,its so annoying cause the make it conceptual and its not enough to know them you have to understand… so…bye bye taxes not anymore,if a problem set comes up…a,a,a,a,a,a and am done!

On the positive side, this mock exam doesn’t give you a false sense of security.

scored 73% got bombed on fix income management…think i will go back to the books for some review~!

72% overall. Got 6/6 on Fixed Income item set and GIPS. Bombed Ethics (3/6) and Equity (2/6). Overall, not feeling too good. That doesn’t leave a lot of room for error.

Thanks for the motivation guys. Going to camp out at work for another hour.

above 90% in mock but still feel a little stressful ,good luck

goodman2011 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > above 90% in mock but still feel a little > stressful ,good luck You are a beast. I’m coming to the conclusion that maybe I’m just not an ethical person, it was the reason I failed L2 the first time.

my major problem is cultural difference I am not good at english so sometime I can not get correct feel of what the problems ask about for instance one question talks about address the issue I misunderstood as related to good luck all

I also just did the mock of 2011, Alan Severn Case… Bad ass case.

But I do think one answer which I did correct was wrongly explained, Ans-48, If Integration between markets increase Equity prices increase because equities which were not available earlier for other to trade they can participate.

LOL, r-man has been on AF for like a decade and just comes in and trolls people every year before exam day. Isnt it about time he got banned? In every thread being destructive