60.9% passed

45%min - 74.8%max


40/60/80: 75.8% Min: 70.2% Max: 94.3% 99th percentile


Your estimated 40/60/80 score:


Your theoretical maximum and minimum scores:** 57.9% Minimum 83.7%**Maximum

72nd percentile





Pass 60.8%

min 48.7% max 73%

i must be band 11

my 40/60/80 was 62% 50-75 range. imo MPS is prolly similar to previous years around 64sh area. if i actually got a 62 i prolly woulda been a band 9

Pass 61.4%

min 50.1% max 73.9%

25th percentile

Most likely band 11


40/60/80: 60%

Min: 43/1%

Max: 73.8%

Score in 17th percentile of sample.

No idea how to calculate that 40/60/80 but this is my matrix. Anyone has any idea what my min score would be? Band 10 by the way.


Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70%

1 Portfolio Management - Institutional 20 - * -

2 Fixed Income Investments 22 - * -

3 Equity Investments 19 - - *

4 Portfolio Management - Asset Allocation 13 - * -

5 Portfolio Management - Monitor&Rebalance 13 * - -

6 Portfolio Management - Individual 22 - - *

7 Portfolio Management - Individual 17 - * -

8 Portfolio Management - Risk Management 20 - * -

9 Economics 18 - * -

10 Portfolio Management - Indiv/Behavioral 16 * - -

Item Set

Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70%

  • Alternative Investments 18 - * -

  • Economics 18 - - *

  • Ethical & Professional Standards 36 - * -

  • Fixed Income Investments 18 - - *

  • Portfolio Management - Asset Allocation 18 - * -

  • Portfolio Management - Individual 18 - - *

  • Portfolio Management - Institutional 18 - - *

  • Portfolio Management - Performance Eval. 18 - * -

  • Portfolio Management - Risk Management 18 - * -


Your estimated 40/60/80 score:** 61.2%**Estimate only - not your actual score

Your theoretical maximum and minimum scores:** 49.4%**Minimum




40/60/80: 62%

Min: 47.1%

Max: 76%


My 40/60/80 score is 64.7%.

Min: 50.8%

Max 79.9%

Mine is very similar

40/60/80 - 69.3 [59.7/85.6] pass

300h hours have given the percentile only for those who have actually visited there website, NOT the total actual appeared. And trust me only PASS ones (majorly) actually visit there.


40/60/80: 71.5%

Min: 64.2%

Max: 88.2%


40/60/80: 67.6%

Minimum: 59.3%

Maximum: 82.3%

74th percentile


Min : 63%

Max: 88%

40/60/80: 71%

87th Percentile

It is quite simple, for AM you know how much points is worth each question and your minimum % of points is either

0% (if you scored 0-50),

50% if you scored (50-70)

70% if you scored (>70)

For PM, you even know more information as the number of points is discret (50-70% range for one item set means exactly 12 points out of 18)

Based on your matrix, my calculation gives you a minimum score of 59% overall (AM +PM)

minimum AM score is 47%

minimum PM score is 71%

If you remove the possibility of decimal marks in the morning the min score become 60.833% with 50% scored in the AM… this has to be incredibly close

To OP :

40/60/80 scores will not help you find out the MPS

You need either:

high 0/50/70 scores that failed : example, you can be sure from Ifailed matrix that the MPS was above 59%

low 50/70/100 scores that passed , example if someone max score is 62% and passed, you know MPS is below 62%…

This way you will find a pretty accurate estimate of MPS