Multiple accounts. whos got them!? and whos who!?

that would tarnish his legacy. I am hoping itera and bs just f*ked off like we’d always hoped.

Remember in the movie “The Thing” when Kurt Russell and others all turned on each other because any of them could have been The Thing? They sure don’t make a lot of psychological horror movies like that any more. I mean, if you don’t count the Troll movie, or maybe movies like Love Actually that shock you with mental torture and emotional abuse of the characters.

Hey Sweep the Leg,

You are forum admin, I think you are able to track the I.P adress of all accounts here, aren’t you?

Not admin. Just a lowly mod. I can’t see anything. I can ask Chad, but that takes the fun out of it.

The Hateful Eight was Tarantino’s version of The Thing. Not scary, but still a good flick.

So Kurt Russell was in both Things?

I feel like bchad would’ve left an Easter egg for us. I mean, the name palantir is maybe the clue itself. Leave it to bchad to pick the perfect name for an alter ego… also, he liked LOTR didn’t he?

A palantír (sometimes translated as “Seeing Stone” but literally meaning “Farsighted” or “One that Sees from Afar”; cf. English_television_) is a crystal ball, used for both communication and as a means of seeing events in other parts of the world or in the distant past.