my canadian brothers!!! how does your tax system compare to us?

i mean you can price what your talking about. its not as much as you think. consider a person fills up his tank a week. typically a car uses 20 gallons which is roughly 80 liters. so multiply that by 52 weeks and your tax and you get:

less than 2k in gas taxes.

So there is 4.546 liters in 1 imperial gallon. Right now on my gas buddy app the price per liter is $0.999 per liter, so let’s just call it a buck per liter. So I’m paying $4.54 for a gallon. What are you paying per gallon?

so regular gas is about 3.2 in los agneles i think, so a difference of $1.3. i use 20 gallons per week or a 1000 per year. so $1300 in higher cost attributed to gas taxes.

^ ok great. Now let’s chat about booze tax. I would pay $45.50 for 28 bottles, on special right now. What’s that cost you, $15 at the local Walmart? (Ontario just recently approved beer and wine sales in select grocery stores…about time!)

full cycle though. right now i think i’m getting decent value for tax dollars due to large family. when i retire, i’ll be getting a steal compared to all the health care expenses i’ll accrue combined with very little tax paid.

the amounts i stated include all taxes - income, property, sales, gas, excise, everything.

I’m just talking income tax.

The issue that I have, (aside from turning 40 this year), is who knows what our health care system is going to look like in another 25 years. My wife is a health care professional, and, despite everyone’s perceptions about all the free health care we get, only some services are covered by the province. As our population gets older, its only going to put even more strain on these services- so where is the money going to come from? Raise taxes? Two tiered health care? Cut health care services? Cut services in other provincial areas to re-direct funding to health care?

i hate how govt nit picks what and whom they should subsidize. they should just do ubi to all and have everyone decide where it would help them most.

anyways i always thought it was hilarious that the govt provides social security for old unproductive people, then proceed to prolong their lives even further with free healthcare.

^ In Canada, our Old Age Security (OAS) - starts at age 65, is an income tested benefit, so if your net income is above ~ $75k per year, you have to repay 15 cents on each dollar above and caps out around $123k.

i’m sure it’ll evolve to be more like insurance. if you are relatively healthy and young (say 60 or younger), then if you come across cancer or any other high cost disease, the public system covers you. if you’re older, stuff like cancer will be covered but specialized surgery will be harder to come by. this already exists to an extent.

the cost of doctor visits and other run-of-the-mill procedures will be pushed onto the individual so as to encourage self-diagnosis for simple things. there is a good chance that virtual doctors pick up some steam and lower costs for basic ailments as well. why do i have to trek to the doctor and have an appointment with him face-to-face to get amoxicilin for the strep throat i know i have. can’t i just tell some doctor robot that my throat hurts, go to the clinic, self-test and get amoxicilin, saving the system hundreds? why can’t i take a picture of a rash and get a diagnosis from a robot and a prescription for topical cream? the robot is going to diagnose better anyway.