My dearest pals in Water Cooler...

Going out to hermosa tonight boys. My bitcoin millionaire friend is trying to bang the pink shirt. I don’t know how he pulled but chick is texting him. holy shit that blonde chick on the left is fire. pray for me boys as i got a new fade. i always ask myself wwjd. if you had talents shouldnt you use it

pic dont work cuz

It works for me. But then again I have a platinum analyst forum membership. You’re probably at bronze if it didn’t work.

I can’t see it either!!! How will we know if they seem nice??? :sob: :-1: :broken_heart:

Broskis. Massive headache. Long story short he was jacked by some tall white guy. Very rough to see the look of defeat. Her words were I’ll talk to you later as I am super drunk right now. Tall white guy who is a random hollerer who is this. In my head this guy was saying I was here first this is my girl!!s

You’ll have to excuse MLA and me: we can only get amandes in the province of Quebec. We hafta settle for almonds in our part of the world.

^ yup that was the problem. google couldn’t make sense of celery amandine nor celery almondine but celeri amandine, zut!

^ Hélas, Mathieu!! Nous n’avons que des maudites “almonds” chez nous!!! C’est dommage ça… :broken_heart:

J’ai une petit chose

IFYP, mijo!!!

mais oui, le temps do pleurer dans ma biere!

omelete du fromage!