Need Advice (Those who passed Level 3)

Nice! Great advice for that late April / May burnout.

I’m glad you emphasized doing the practice exams. I’ve heard a lot of folks that wrote L3 saying they wished they had done more practice exams. Some have suggested starting the practice exams in April and giving it a full two months because of the AM section.

I think anytime Aladdin says “God is great,”, it’s probably a little tongue-in-cheeky. He’s not quite as religious as some.

Oh my… seems like i am so so so behind everybody… i have just read ONE chapter on behavioral finance last week, and it actually took me the whole week to read it… Is there anybody like me on earth? should i even start preparing, or i already lost all the chances?

And this year i decided to make notes or some sort of extended summaries on each chapter, so not to reread the curriculum for the second time, is it a good idea?? i did not do it for l1 and l2, but actually had to read/skim each book twice and some chapters even thrice then…

CFAI material takes you deep in to the trees. I use the Schweser notes to help me not lose focus on the forest / big picture. Some chapters I use more CFAI, some I use more Schweser. It depends on the complexity of the topic. I think Marc LeFebvre’s advice that you must do every single blue box example and EOC question is spot on.

This is my 2nd try at Level 3. I know if I follow Rolo550’s advice I will pass. Thank you Rolo550 - great stuff!