Net neutrality

What are some of the tangible results that have come from the Obama period internet rules?

none of this matters. kimdotcom is developing a non-ISP based internet, completely decentralized and free.

things kimdotcom promises: the moon, things kimdotcom delivers: a plastic toy of the moon. hes a fat elon musk who made a file sharing site that is ok


ISPs cannot discriminate based on websites. This allows the internet to be used as it was intended: open unrestricted access to freely debate, discuss, philosophize about, research, read about and discover new, innovative, ever more realistic pron.

So nothing changed… Ha

The more I read, the more I’m convinced net neutrality is good riddance

That’s all pretty abstract though… How can you quantify those things? Are there more websites? Is internet cheaper? Have pron types increased in variety?

sure, xhamster was founded in 2007. Without net neutrality ISPs could have driven all traffic to pronhub. They may not have done so in this alternate reality, but they literally could not do it under net neutrality. And, now xhamster is a major source for new research. Now, think of a he new, small, niche pron websites that could emerge. The entire pron ecology. That is what is at stake.

Imagine ISPs start blocking Breitbart and like!

Regulated utilities are a vital part of a free capitalist society as are strong anti-trust laws. The idea that no regulation is always better is completely contrary to modern economic thinking. It’s just flat out wrong. The move by the Republican party to reverse the net neutrality laws is really a triumph of ideology (and massive political donations, let’s be fair) over any sort of rationality or practicality.

Unfortunately that is the GOP in a nutshell these days: Ideological extremists creating policies for their donor base rather than their voter base.

It’s funny how the big internet companies fought this tooth and nail last time around but are now relatively quiet. Of course things have changed in those three short years. Namely, the major internet companies like Netflix and Facebook have a reached a critical mass where the broadband companies need them more than the other way around. Now removing net neutrality helps them by throwing up huge barriers of entry to future competitors.

Ahh nothing like corporations buying off politicians to get their way and maintain their power.

so this will be overturned in 3 years?

Probably! Like BChad said in his exit letter, “battling oligarchs”.

Just because Republicans are doing it for stupid reasons does not mean the action itself is stupid. The regulation has done virtually nothing but presents huge risks to future innovations. The big internet companies have made this a big boogie man

I’d agree if it wasn’t an oligopoly, and in many areas monopoly.

I think it’s a fair concern. But I’d rather deal with it when it occurs as opposed to worrying about how it could be manipulated. The internet has existed for a while now and we’ve been OK. There are probably ways to deal with it that are not as stupid as net neutrality

Bad for consumers but in the name of “market freedom” it is all good LOL.

In the name of freedom, cancel Affordable Care Act so that the middle class and other classes above them have choice although this would leave the very poorest in our country hanging. Hey freedom to die at home without care.

Freedom to arm yourself with std 5.56 rounds with 30 round magazine with effective range of over 700 yards for me, you, and people with devil inside their heads… Freedom to buy.

Republicans of today are not the republicans I am used to growing up with. Today’s are just meaner, dumber, and more racist. But all good. Freedom to be racist. Freedom to sexually assault and still be in the WH. Great role models in the WH right now. The first lady, lied about her degree in her own company website which is fine but don’t lie. Freedom to lie.

But then at the same time, where is freedom in trying to limit the number of visitor visas and immigrants from Asian, African and S. American countries? Very odd.

Also, republicans are all about conserving, living in the middle ages where women are below men, all colored are less than your pet dog, etc. But they don’t seem to want to conserve the environment. Conserve the planet…conservative…

^this is awesome, bravo.

The solution is to break up the legacy monopolies, creating competition while maintaining flexibility for future innovation. But all the sheep want to believe the propaganda of Silicon Valley firms who want to enjoy their high profit margins without paying for the infrastructure. #woke