New Pass Tell

I don’t see receiving charter link anymore.

I can see receiving your charter…

This may be the tell; we just don’t know which way it will go. Someone queue the dramatic music…

I logged out and in and now “receiving your charter” link is gone. Also is gone the link to mocks and practice exams.

Yes, it was there several hours ago but now it’s gone.

Not seeing

jmheff, you CAN still see receiving your charter?

Mine is gone ::puke::

Those who can see “receiving your charter” - have you already joined the CFA society/had your work experience approved? If not, this very much seems like a tell

Not seeing/ no member/ confident after the exam/ less confident as time passes

mines changed over the last few hours too. God damnit they are going to kill us all without even knowing it

TBH, I kind of feel like throwing on a toga and proclaiming that I didn’t pass because I saw an eagle holding a snake in its talons, as that is probably a better tell than all the minute changes on the website.

Does anyone have “For the next exam” under “Location, Fees, & Deadlines”?

Just logged out and in again, it changed and I can no longer see receiving your charter

Same - can only see “Fees and deadlines”. Whole page has changed


we should post all our candidate reousrce screenshots here haha

I do.

I’m dying over here. I won’t make it till tomorrow… just tell us already. Why Tuesday…

Anyone who doesn’t have the “For the next exam” K.O. sentence?

u gave chills to many people here lol