New Year's Goals (resos)

I am already using the phone for calls and texts. Are you not?

I am not on social media. I am addicted to blogs and forums. Waste hours, so it has to stop.

I use my phone for stupid crap. Reading useless stuff, especially when I wake up in the middle of the night. Its not good. Its more of a habit though that I just will look at my phone on a regular basis even when I dont have any reason to. I’m not on any social media but I’m addicted to the phone. No bueno.

Have s3x at least 104 times.

There could be a couple things going on here. Your brain could be seeking a release of dopamine in a period of restlessness during the night. After that, the blue light from the device could possibly prolong your being awake.

You might try putting a certain food or drink on your nightstand (or a book) to adjust the way your body reacts to awakening during the night.

Be more awesome and hopefully to transition to a gangster with real theories that are complete.

wifi f’s with sleep state brainwaves. Unplug your wifi, shut off your devices and you’ll be less likely to wake up at night.


Can you put the phone in the different room for the night? So you can’t easily reach it if wake up… You shouldn’t be holding your phone next you during sleep anyway, for health reasons.

Also, a trick I do during the day is put a rubber band over the phone. Less tempted to use it this way


How exactly do you turn off all the wifi around you then?

Also, source???

No need, just sleep in your lead lined sensory deprivation tank. You… you have been sleeping in your lead lined sensory deprivation tank, haven’t you?

uh I don’t need to. I don’t live stacked on top of other people like a savage.


source? amirite6

Some updates 2 months in:

  1. 300 pounds: I was 317 this morning after a pretty aggressive workout. I’m thinking I can knock this one out by the first week in April.

  2. Dunking a basketball: I haven’t really been training for this specifically, but I’ve been playing a little more ball and on good, loose days I’m able to get enough of the rim to hang on it, could probably dunk a tennis ball right now.

  3. 100 consecutive push-ups: Was up to the low 20s consecutively but I pulled an ab muscle and backed off. Still doing a ton of chest work in the gym, so hopefully I’m able to get right back at the low 20s within a week or two of restarting these.

  4. Bench my body weight: I’ve been lifting 4 days per week but as bench is more vanity than anything, I haven’t even done a barbell bench since re-starting my lifts, but I’m able to rep DB press with 100’s, so I’m probably within 70 or 80 pounds of this goal.

  5. 1 pull-up: Yeah…not any time soon.