Nobama 2012

Romney is as slippery as they come. But Obama is worse. Little reported lately has been the back door deals that Obama cut with the pharma. Emails where he told pharma lobby types to ignore his populist statments in 2009 while working to cut a deal to pass Obama care.

I am sorry but if the choice is cut off your toe or your foot…I’ll take the toe.

Off topic my analogy reminds me of the movie Stripes

I’m gonna volunteer my leadership to this platoon. An army without leaders is like a foot without a big toe. And Sergeant Hulka isn’t always gonna be here to be that big toe for us. I think that we owe a big round of applause to our newest, bestest buddy, and big toe… Sergeant Hulka.

Yea all the idiots that were yelling Obama hurrah hurrah were delusion if they thought some young senator who won unopposed with no track record was going to bring about “real change”

What did he actually accomplish in his first full year while he had full control of the house and senate? Nothing.

By the time things started to kick in, he already lost control, and then came the deadlock.

I think it will be interesting to see. Obama has done a lot of prudent stuff internationally so I give him some credit there. I like the Clinton run state department.

One difference is that Obama can’t run on this positive message of change and hope anymore. He’s “The Man” now and has to really rely on his track record or a negative campaign picking on Romney’s undisputable life-long track record of success. I thought it was brilliant the other day when Clinton basically said, don’t pick on Romney’s career, its impressive.

If we were to assume that both candidates were incentivized to do what is best for America then I would pick Romney over Obama everytime. The guy is clearly a genius and very good at management. Sure, he’s not “cool” like Obama, but whatever, fuck that. America doesn’t need a a rockstar in office, just someone who makes good decisions. My problem is that I do not believe that these candidates do have America’s best interest at heart. Obama has proven to be a left wing establishment president kow-towing to unions and special interest. I have no guarantees that Romney will be any different.

Obama wins re-election unless this crisis stays on the front page of the headlines until November.

I’d vote for Peter Schiff. You need an economist in there, bigtime.

Awesomely phrased, +1