Pass Rate Distribution Curve

Who says that is the Normal distribution. Wrong assumption = wrong conclusion.

Do not hope that non-native EN speakers drive the native ones up. This is a misconception. Besides I passed like a charm each level and yet speak English as a drunk Chinese.

seems like ESL issues would be the most pronounced at level 3 given how hard the AM section is.

Wording wise, the AM is straightforward - having English as a second language should not be a problem. I could see a handful of questions being tricky in the PM but it was certainty on par with Level II. Claiming that you’re at a “disadvantage” due to English not being your primary language sounds like an excuse - the only disadvantage is your lack of preparation.

While the CFA Institute does not show the score distribution, I looked at other professional exams that did. They did not have a clean normal distribution. Typical shape had a longer left tail of unprepared students and peaked a little to the left of the mean. Those other exams also did not have any perfect scores.

so what do you think the MPS is municipal bob?

MPS est last year was 59.5%

agreed. As a bilingual native English speaker I can say without a doubt i would have a much harder time writing in my second language – even though I’m truly fluent and have no accent I did not go to school there and writing is a whole different game. In fact I would almost certainly fail the cfa level 3.

Yes, writing is a different game. Reading and comprehension are a lot easier to practice, except for local legislation and company data I google nothing in my native language and I end up reading and listening to a lot of english material daily, it is passive learning. Text production actually requires preparation and practice