Passed level 1, still unemployed

yes, what exacerbates the locals-equals-2nd-class situation is the pinkleton syndrome amongst locals. man, it just p*sses me off when i see those ang mohs living it up when us locals are just suffering to make ends meet under this mounting inflation.

yeah…absolutely agreed on that. they get a salary that is N times greater than us, even though the job scope is the same. not to mention benefits like schooling for kids, relocation expenses etc. i wish i can get out of thsi pathetic little red dot…but very diffifcult!

guys, there’s a golden rule in the business, and it is call “don’t wash your dirty linen in the public”. and you wonder why you can’t get a decent well paying ib job.

not sure what you peeps think of this…is this terrible? i am going for the final interview with a certain bank later this afternoon, and i am going for the interview for graduate program with another bank tomorrow. it is of course that i’d hear from the former first, as there are 2 rounds of selections for the graduate program. is it very bad to take the job with the 1st bank, then submit my resignation letter say, 1.5mths (assuming a 1 mth notice, which i guess is typically the case for an entry level employee) if i get the graduate trainee program, which starts in july with the other bank? my initial thoughts on this is that 1. i need some insurance 2. get some cash instead of sitting around before the program starts, assuming that i get it of course