Paul Krugman: Now That’s Rich

mar350 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > marcus phoenix Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Many medical schools in other “third world” > > countries are just as good as comparable > schools > > in the US > > > and those comparable schools in the US are > ‘walk-it-off’ and ‘rub some dirt on it’ Have you ever lived/ travelled out of the country? Visited medical institutions and hospitals overseas? Keep that head deep in the sand.

marcus phoenix Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > mar350 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > marcus phoenix Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > Many medical schools in other “third world” > > > countries are just as good as comparable > > schools > > > in the US > > > > > > and those comparable schools in the US are > > ‘walk-it-off’ and ‘rub some dirt on it’ > > > Have you ever lived/ travelled out of the country? > Visited medical institutions and hospitals > overseas? Keep that head deep in the sand. i have actually been to over 10 countries around the world. please post some links to these comparable ‘third world’ hospials so that we can all enjoy what we have.

mar350 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > marcus phoenix Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > mar350 Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > marcus phoenix Wrote: > > > > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > > > > ----- > > > > Many medical schools in other “third world” > > > > countries are just as good as comparable > > > schools > > > > in the US > > > > > > > > > and those comparable schools in the US are > > > ‘walk-it-off’ and ‘rub some dirt on it’ > > > > > > Have you ever lived/ travelled out of the > country? > > Visited medical institutions and hospitals > > overseas? Keep that head deep in the sand. > > > i have actually been to over 10 countries around > the world. > > please post some links to these comparable ‘third > world’ hospials so that we can all enjoy what we > have. Oh yeah? I’ve been to pretty much continent except antarctica. Here’s just one link for you…a good friend of mine got top notch treatment here for a measly amount. This place is comparable to Johns Hopkins.

fatgator Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > kkent Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > > at all nor do I think he should have his taxes > > raised > > Raising his taxes would be a seperate > conversation. All this would be is not extending > the Bush tax cuts and tax rates would be in line > with the Clinton administration. > > Are there any non Fox news articles out there that > discuss why keeping the Bush tax cuts makes sense? > I haven’t come across any convincing evidence. I think you’d find a substantial number of Republicans/conservatives who would be OK in principle with raising taxes on the highest earners at the end of 2010 IF it were accompanied by substantial spending cuts and some overall fiscal austerity. But the fear is–and this is well founded fear–Congress will raise taxes and increase spending/extend entitlements, irrespective of political party. The issue, of course, is not the short-term but the long-term. If you raise taxes now and raise spending in conjunction with it, you have one substantially less tax increase available in the future when it will be imperative to bring the deficit and national debt under control. As for me, taxes is an issue of morality–I believe in giving unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, but I don’t believe the 5 million or so households that are “high income earners” should be treated as second class citizens, where they are constantly used as a whipping boy, subjected to higher and higher tax rates as the lower and middle classes demand more and more entitlements when there is consistently less money.

marcus phoenix Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Here’s just one link for you…a good friend of > mine got top notch treatment here for a measly > amount. This place is comparable to Johns > Hopkins. > > are you sure you didn’t mean the ‘Johns Hopkins of Delhi’? using the definition of ‘third world’ country to roughly describe developing countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America, let’s look at the following lists: World’s Best Universities: Life Sciences and Biomedicine - Feb 2010 ( #6 - Johns Hopkins first possible ‘third world’ mention #51 - Chulalongkorn University of (Thailand) other possible ‘third world’ mentions: #89 - Nanyang Technological University, NTU (Singapore) #97 - King Saud University (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) Ranking of World Hospitals - July 2010 ( #8 - Johns Hopkins first possible ‘third world’ mention #46 - Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital & Faculty of Medicine (Thailand) #50 - Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital (Thailand) other possible ‘third world’ mentions: #83 - Tabriz University Hospitals (Iran) #162 - Hamad Medical Corporation (Qatar) #215 - Singhealth (Singapore) #306 - Laparoscopy Hospital (India) #408 - Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre (India) though these lists are probably compiled by racially motivated bigots, its what i could find

Best in terms of what? Quality of teatment, research dollars spent, access to the latest medical equipment? Of course, a lot of the high rankings of these hospitals in US are a direct result to the federal funding, unrestricted research and free thinking scientists that conservatives love to hate.

marcus phoenix Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > higgmond Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > I’m not sure how successful foreign educated > > doctors would be in this country. When I > choose > > from the doctors available in my insurance > plan, > > the first thing I do is look at where they went > to > > school. I don’t care where the doctor is from > (my > > current doctor was born in India), but I want a > > doctor who went to a medical school that I’ve > > heard of and have a good opinion of (current MD > > graduated from Penn). I don’t know anything > about > > individual medical schools in other countries. > I > > guess I’m guilty of being US-focused, but who > has > > time to research every med school in the world? > > > Maybe other folks don’t care where their doc > went > > to school though. > > Many medical schools in other “third world” > countries are just as good as comparable schools > in the US, though they may not have that much > money to conduct biomedical research. In any case, > doctors from overseas have to take the USMLE exam > etc. to be able to practice. I didn’t say there was anything wrong with schools in other countries, I just don’t know which schools in other countries are good and which are crap. I know which schools in the US are crap and which are good. Do you know every medical school in the world? It’s a hell of a lot easier for me to pick the doc who went to Penn, Jeff, Hopkins, Columbia, etc. than it is to research some school I’ve never heard of in India, Eastern Europe, Latin America, etc.

higgmond Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > marcus phoenix Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > higgmond Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > I’m not sure how successful foreign educated > > > doctors would be in this country. When I > > choose > > > from the doctors available in my insurance > > plan, > > > the first thing I do is look at where they > went > > to > > > school. I don’t care where the doctor is > from > > (my > > > current doctor was born in India), but I want > a > > > doctor who went to a medical school that I’ve > > > heard of and have a good opinion of (current > MD > > > graduated from Penn). I don’t know anything > > about > > > individual medical schools in other countries. > > > I > > > guess I’m guilty of being US-focused, but who > > has > > > time to research every med school in the > world? > > > > > Maybe other folks don’t care where their doc > > went > > > to school though. > > > > Many medical schools in other “third world” > > countries are just as good as comparable > schools > > in the US, though they may not have that much > > money to conduct biomedical research. In any > case, > > doctors from overseas have to take the USMLE > exam > > etc. to be able to practice. > > > I didn’t say there was anything wrong with schools > in other countries, I just don’t know which > schools in other countries are good and which are > crap. I know which schools in the US are crap and > which are good. Do you know every medical school > in the world? No, but I can take comfort in the fact that all foreign educated doctors are required to take the USMLE before being able to legally practice in the US.

marcus phoenix Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > No, but I can take comfort in the fact that all > foreign educated doctors are required to take the > USMLE before being able to legally practice in the > US. Unless the USMLE is significantly more stringent than the requirements to graduate from some of the crap schools in the US, that doesn’t comfort me enough to pick the foreign educated doc over the Hopkins grad. It’s not really even foreign vs. domestic. If I’m not familiar with the med school in the US, I ain’t picking that doc either.