pcp investigation

I still don’t understand what happened to you, after rereading your posts, it seems that you did not break the seal and take out the answer sheet until the end of the instruction time? So at 13:59 when everyone else was done filling their answer sheets with information for test center, seat number, name and so on and were waiting for the “you may now begin” you were still filling your personal information? And the proctor assumed you were answering qs?

I would suggest having someone take a look at your reply before you send it, make sure that your explanation is clear. Good luck

I believe what happened was that he was asked to remove the answer sheet from the booklet.

He must have flipped through the booklet by accident in search of the answer sheet.

This is what would happen if you flip the booklet by mistake to face the other end.

I would go with your fingers are too fat to select one page at a time and when you were trying to open the booklet and tear out the scantron but accidentally opened to some random off page halfway into the booklet for one microsecond, and that you panicked and sweated profusely and were too embarrassed to tell a proctor that you may have violated the code. They can’t fail you because you’re morbidly obese. That’s an American right, battle by semantics my friend.

Oh better yet, spray paint yourself black and then claim the proctor was racist and you were unfairly being targeted

Read this post (link below), I wrote an extended description about my experience with the PCP at the last page.


All these PCP posts are baffling to me. I always go into the exam with the mindset that I need to make it abundantly clear that I am following all rules. Make your actions so obviously within the rules that there is no room for interpretation. For example:

-Don’t open the booklet until a few seconds after they say you may tear the seal

-Rip the answer sheet out and place the booklet out of immediate reach

-Make any looking around during the test (to think, clear head, etc) very clear that I am not looking at others answers (straight up in the air, down into my hands, down at the table, etc)

-Wrapping up and putting pencils down well before the final 30 seconds

Honestly, if you are down to the last few seconds, I see that as a studying issue and you should have prepared more. The risk of voiding your result for 1 final answer is not worth it

yes god will fix all lol

:frowning: CFAI really should consider placing cameras in each exam rooms…

…and one Camera onto candidate’s head so proctor can know any time if candidate is looking around.

It is kind of odd that the CPA exam, with far lower fees in total and per test, can afford to have each tester take an exam in a computer test center that through cameras, searches, and an automatic timer, eliminates the need for checking for cheating or writing before/after time is called.

Not to mention the benefit if being able to take the exam whenever you want…

^ ya why don’t they make it where you can take it ANYTIME you want and increase pass rate to 90%?! Then we can ALL be CFA charterholders!!! gtfo

^^CFA or Die…

Come on man, CFA exams are fun how they are, old school you know, how things look important, relevant, remarkable events in your life, something to remember, rules applied in a strict way, no cheating not as an unavoidable factor, but as a choose, the ethics inside you printed and sealed forever. You are now much more educated.

Maybe the whole process is to create that look of integrity

why u screaming son? calm down…

nobody asked you to come to AF.

Crass perhaps, but there’s a certain element of truth.

The problem is, lack of empathy shown by Charterholders is imitated by wannabees, adding to the negativity.

It’d be good if Boardmembers and Charterholders lead the way to create an atmosphere, in CFAI speak, “for the ultimate benefit of society”.

If you believe you are innocent, then I would suggest you appeal - review the ethics chapter and there is a panel review process that your case should be reviewed and I think you will have a chance to submit your case. It does seem rather harsh, based on your version of the events.

Just reread your story - so all you can do is wait for the investigation. I would hope CFA to be evidenced based and fair, and assuming you are innocent - try to trust that they will reach the right decision (hopefully, for you) - otherwise there is always the appeal process. I guess you should hear soon, given results day coming up.

Sorry to hear that but if you are truly innocent then I wish you all the best! yes

Well…You are a charterholder, all charterholders are supposed tro be indestructible, they can’t make a single mistake all their life. They are always perfect and all above god.

Because you guys are so perfect, you should be donated to Aliens for further experiments.

coming in hot!