Permitted usage of 'passed on first attempts' on resume

It is good that you made 2/4 on the first two levels. But it is a settled debate and superior performance can only be claimed by those who made 3/3 in 18 months

That right, the new 3/3 is 3/3 in 18 month.

Dude, just read all the responses on this thread and go with the response that meets you intially intended outcome.

No point reading responses and getting BS from nay-sayers.

Yes please take advice from someone whose username is a violation.

if i read a CV and someone put:

Then i would laugh so hard i would get a hernia. Then i would call up the dude and tell him to get that crap of his CV… you’re a f’ing nobody. You aint passed nutting. You aint a baller. And even if you did pass all 3 levels and get CFA after your name yous till wouldn’t be the tough guy. CFA dont mean squat.

Plumbing > Stripper > CFA

damn dude… i even changed my signature to prove this point

What charter am I get for career in stripping? I have no background. Can I do it? Tank.

You may mention that ou passed on th first attempt because you attempted the exam just once despite the number of times you registered. Registering for the exam and attempting it are two different things.