Personal Net Worth Calculation

how do yall account for purchase of jewelry from family?

do you hold it at cost and book goodwill or mark to market?

You’re trying too hard, bro

GE only down ~10% on cost basis!

Guys, real talk here. Most of my NPV is tied up in my two children investments which I’m holding on book at $10M each, should I diversify?

lol im sure ur only down 10%.

I mean, I don’t really know what to tell you, that’s what it is.

lol i dont really know what to tell you either. best of luck.

You don’t have to diversify from investing in your children if your children are themselves sufficiently diverse. Have one self identify as a 2% Native American transgender antelope and have the other one just physically threaten Jewish women who plan to participate in the next NYC Women’s March.

Haha this thread got funny real fast