Post Exam Plans - Getting life on track ?

-catch up on my dissertation

-take our sportbikes out and go on a 3-4day motorcyle camping trip with my wife. she deserves it.

A lot of drinking after the exam

writing the gmat

glorious pc master race gaming - gaben be praised

spending more time with my girlfriend

going to the gym to shed cfa weight

**For anyone taking the exam in boston, the first drink is on me at whiskey priest **

Hawaii with my girl



dabble back into real estate investing

reminding my friends what i look like

read some non finance literature

finally getting to hit the links


A week of caffeine detox, and then work on losing my CFA weight.

Immediately following the exam, I will be enjoying several Sculpin’s by Ballast Point and having a solid dinner in Laguna with my awesome wife who has undoubtedly suffered through the last year and a half of this CFA-nonsense.

A week following the exam, I’ll be in Vegas for a few World Series of Poker events and some much-needed relaxation!

Several weeks after the exam, I’ll be hitting Crossfit and focusing on getting into shape and losing the ‘CFA weight’ that whacim referred to above.

  • exercise

  • clean

  • cook

  • clean

  • clean

  • clean

Just before the summer rush makes it almost intolerable to go to the village!

I know! Nick’s Laguna Beach is my go-to!

Using my HB pencils for creating an alternative asset class (that is, art).

Not using my HB pencils or any kind of pencils there is to find at my place for anything but art.

Went for a movie and dinner with wifey yesterday…