Priscilla Chan's Wedding is Bad News for Every Chinese Girl

Some quick internet research tells me that new Asian immigrants are have a poverty rate of about 12.5%, which is lower than the poverty rate of non-Asian immigrants. So you appear to be correct that new Asian immigrants are generally not poor.

However, other research shows that poverty among US Asians is decreasing compared to poverty among non-Asians. In other words, although US Asians still have a higher poverty rate than US white people, over time, the Asians are becoming less poor. Eventually, it is possible that the US Asian poverty rate will drop below the poverty rate for US whites.

What this tells me is that old Asian immigrants, for instance Vietnamese boat people or other immigrants from 20-40 years ago, were poor. This contributed to a high initial poverty rate among US Asians. However, new Asian immigrants are well educated and rich, as are the children of the old immigrants. Thus, poverty is declining among US Asians as the original poor immigrants are replaced by younger, richer Asians.

I’m inclined to agree with you ohai. Another important topic of our times settled on AF!

I’m friends with a number of successful Asians and it’s clear to me that they have a better way to manage early education than any other ethnic group, so at least I’m copying to the best of my ability the Asian way of running things with my two kids. I think there are some differences among Chinese, Korean, and Indian people, but every nationality has valuable concepts. I doubt my wife will be able to replicate the discipline of a real Asian tiger mom, but as parents if we manage to make sure our kids are totally comfortable with Math from early ages and grow their knowledge from there, and later they can read sh!t, understand it and connect two reasonable ideas together, that would be a good start.

Fortunately on average we Hispanics are dumb as a rock according to every standardized measure, so I wouldn’t be surprised at all if the Hispanic card will continue to be as strong as it is now when it comes to admissions into top programs by the time my kids go to college. If they can put Asian-like numbers that should be enough. I agree it’s unfair, but I don’t make the rules.

The topic also raises the question: what about stupid Asian children? Not everyone can be smart enough to be brilliant in school regardless of his or her parents’ efforts. So, do Asian parents just give up on dumb kids after a while?

Gunning hard for the Shwesser Water Bottle I see, huh Frank ?

no kid is really dumb. but you use it or loose it. the same with brains. you either use and train it or stay lazy and dumb. so how the seed will grow depends on the soil it falls into. eg parenting. for a part.

just my opinion. I don’t think my kid (half Chinese, half white) is smarter than any other kid.

who are you and what are you talking about?

I think it’s gonna be increasingly difficult to benefit from affirmative action being Hispanic. There are now more puerto ricans in the US than in Puerto Rico for example. Hispanics won’t be considered a minority in 20 years.

I could already see is happening 10 years ago at my university as Black professors and deans seemed to openly clash with the Latino professors and deans over who got the funding and financial aid.

To me this George Zimmerman thing is the real death knell for Hispanic minority advantage in the admissions process. Black interest groups and liberal groups alike are both doing their damnedest to include this person amongst joe white guy the same way Italians and the Irish were the last century.

The Irish are one of the most persecuted people in history, yet nobody cries for them anymore.

how are the Irish most persecuted? i thought it was the Jewish people…

hey us irish guys are in alot of ways responsible for our own misfortunes, we just a bunch of moody, violent, alcoholics. However it seems everyone loves us now!

I don’t love the Irish. I rue the day they let your kind into my university and country clubs. I miss the old adage, “Irish need not apply.” Did you know that when the CFA program started, 50 years ago tomorrow,you couldn’t get a charter if you were Irish? Ben Graham hated the Irish, especially those from beyond the Pale.

If you think about it carefully, what minority group isn’t mostly responsible for their own misfortunes?

asians, blacks…mexicans…everybody but the whites actually…

Posting a dozen one-line comments in the same thread = Pursuing AF Rewards ?

i reckon you take L2 again…

On the Asian vs. White Girl discussion.

Every time I see a thread like this it just sounds like a bunch of white guys bitching about their ex-girlfriends. We get it dudes, it didn’t work out. Now get over it, date an Asian if need be, move to Asia if need be, just please stop whining that you can’t find a good white chick. Maybe there is a reason for that? I think it was CT that said “It turns out that there is an Asian chick for every socially inept but otherwise successful white guy”. This is a CFA forum, go date the Asians. You don’t have to rationalize it.

Not a fan of white chicks, far too many feel they have a right to everything.

asian chicks are easier for you lames…

I don’t get the blind love for Asian chicks. I’ve dated quite a few and find them to be pretty timid and insecure. Any white dudes want to swtich bodies with me? It’s a win win situation.

This is why I decided to stop dating asian women, even though I am most attracted to them.

I honestly think I am going to sector rotate into dating black women and white girls as they seem pretty undervalued, especially on this board, lol!

No thanks, I don’t need a four inch penis.

not undervalued, just unaffordable to those on this board…