Qualitative question about student loans

Nery, did those nuns cane you or make you do half squats when you were bad? I can tell that upbringing must have been a key to your success.

i actually dont recall her at all. my parents claim she was instrumental and making me the man i am today. lol

maybe shes some kind of repressed memory. so i like to think she is the hot nun chick in sister act that taught me how to become a man at the age of 5 lol.

Nah, you repressin’ da beatdowns.

“hot nun chick in sister act that taught me how to become a man at the age of 5”

What? This is some Biden level stuff.


imagine if Trump said something like that, cnn, buzzfeed, and other fake news would play it 24/7

Do you have children? If so, how are you approaching their education?

how do we stop these baby kissing presidential pedos!

Yes, FSU is not the same as LSU.

That is, Flagship State University (University of Texas) or Local State University (University of Texas at the Permian Basin).

Just curious, do you get any government incentives to deposit money into a 529 plan? In Canada, on a $2,500 annual deposit we get a education grant from uncle Justin @ 20% so $500.

in cali you dont even get a deduction. whack ass foos

My plan for my child investments is for them to roam the wild streets unchecked, disciples of the school of hard knocks, learning the intricacies of porn shop financials and how to manage a proper dual entry ledger of instagram likes, models on the right, bottles on the left. Eventually after years of borrowing from my children on low interest liars loans, I hope to enroll them in UCLA where they can pursue their own dreams of class mobility, from the C-Class to an E-Class armed with nothing but raw ambition, snap chat filters and a rudimentary grasp of the English language.

I do not think that there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature. John D. Rockefeller Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/john_d_rockefeller_165071

keep on hollering my dudes.

personally i want my kids to be like my friends. spoiled entitled brats that lord over everything. without a care in a world. cept enjoying it and living off the hard work of others.

I would rather earn 1% off a 100 people’s efforts than 100% of my own efforts. John D. Rockefeller Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/john_d_rockefeller_165070

I mean, some people persevere but only achieve meaningless things… Like those guys who pass CFA after 11 years or something. Sure, you got it, but…

529’s never show up on a tax return. No deduction.

However, assets inside a 529 grow completely tax-free. And withdrawals also don’t show up on a tax return. (in other words, not taxed)

In certain states with state income tax, you can deduct $5k/yr in 529 contributions off the state tax return.

I’m sorry for your childhood. It wasn’t your fault. Peace and zen to you.

Alternatively, you could move to Texas and get zero tax deductions on your state tax return. Because we have no state income tax.

God bless Texas. And no one else.


Nah I respect ppl who keep trying even if they fail a lot. A smart dude passing a hard test is predictable. But a dumbass passing a hard test now that is news worthy.

It’s like when you see an ugly dude with a hot chick, you know that fat guy went through a lot of trial and error to find a hot chick who isn’t vain. While a hot dude with another hot chick is not impressive cuz that is nature.

What? Don’t lie - the first thing you’d think when you see the fat guy is he must just be rich and the chick is a gold digger.