Question for Moderator: deleted posts?

Randall made a funny. +2

In fairness, I hear there’s a pretty snazzy brochure for FetchXL, though I have not seen in myself. Chad, do you ever troll over at the “forum that must not be named”? That’d be pretty amusing, though I guess you couldn’t make it any more carcinogenic than it already is.

I think the reason a number of people come to this board is for entertainment and education about other areas of finance. The CFA material and the value therein is actually pretty finite, and other matters such as job prospects, compensation, and so forth are far more topical today. I can see how sports discussions may not fit into the scope of the forum, but an argument could be made that professional attire and footwear are actually quite relevant to finance. Anyway, it’s not a big deal, but I really was just trying to get a sense as to what would pass muster around here and what would not. At a minimum, it would be helpful to understand this so that people could save their own time by not commenting on posts that would be deleted without proir warning.

I did my senior thesis on applying financial modeling techniques and theories to predicting the outcomes of sports games and brackets (in short). Who said sports cant fit the scope! GenY

Boy I gotta write this day down… The day I attained “map props” from VCFAHook and thepinkman. Willy


haha. nice searching stork!

i would love to take credit, but this link was given in the other thread