Recommended Books to Read

Antifragile by Nassim Taleb

4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss

Fail Safe Investing by Harry Browne

80/20 Rule by Richard Koch

The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday

7 Habits of Highly Successful People by Steve Covey

Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi

Politics of Life by Craig Crawford

The Difference by Jean Chatzky

Science Shams, Bible Bloopers by David Mills

Early Retirement Extreme by Jacob Fisker

Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya by Nagaru Tanigawa

This titles intrigues me. What is it about?

Currently reading: I’ve recently enjoyed both of the Wolf of Wall Street books.

Otherwise, my favorite all-time (non-investment-related) author: Paul Theroux

Just finished “Flash Boys”, good book but had some lengths.

As I am often reading two or more books at the same time, I am also near the end of “House of Cards”, the book that inspired the Netflix series. Will start with “Battle of Bretton Woods” next.

And then S2000magician reminded me with his post here, that I still have some more Jeeves-related P.G. Wodehouse books to read.

The Good Spy: The Life and Times of Robert Ames - a very interesting read about a deeply respected CIA operative and his activities in the middle east over decades and who was killed in the Beirut truck bombing. Very interesting insight into that tumultuous region

I am reading Le Parfum by Patrick Suskind, totally irrelevant to Investment…

Since it’s a famous novel, I decide to give it a try…

Didn’t feel the charm yet…anyone read it?

I wouldn’t trust a writer who didn’t know that (in this context) “every day” is two words, not one.

“How the Scots Invented the Modern World: The True Story of How Western Europe’s Poorest Nation Created Our World & Everything in It” by Arthur Herman

I don’t know if you’ve ever tried detaching a snow leopard of the Himalayas from its prey – probably not, as most people don’t find themselves out that way much – but if you did, you would feel fairly safe in budgeting for a show of annoyance on the animal’s part.


Though unintended. (The book does go into how and why Scotland succumbed to joining the UK.)

My daughter got this book for me for Christmas a couple of years ago. It’s quite interesting. (And I’m not remotely a history buff.)

I use Audible and like it. I think you own them, but not sure. Old books are still in my library from months ago. If you don’t like the book, you can “return” it for credit up to one year from purchase. You get 1 credit per month. 1 credit = 1 book. If you want to buy more, then you can at a cheap rate.

I’m listening to Game of Thrones and about to finish the third book.

The Way of the Superior Man.

I have no idea why, but people get the crap flamed out of them when they tell other ASOIAF geeks they’re listening to it instead of reading it. I totally include myself in that general group of geeks, but I don’t see why listening to it should matter.

On to even dorkier books: I’m reading for the third or fourth time, Unfinished Tales. It’s been a while and I need to brush up on my Arda lore. I’d ask Isildurrr to help me but he can’t even spell the guy’s name right.

^He says that Isildurr is not related to Isildur.

I’m thinking that this is Isildurr.

I don’t believe him. He picked a sucky character and now he has to live with it.

There’s always palantir.

The narration by Roy Dotrice is fantastic.

Next on my list:

Bold: How to go big, create wealth and Impact the world.