Result-waiter reading

Not yet. Often appears here:

or on Twitter about now.

Can’t login to my CFA account!

website overload obv

Can’t wait any longer!!so nervous

Pass rates on Twitter?

Cant even get into cfa website

Nope… I waited until 2 pm for my CFA L1 result January this year… Hope it wont be that long this time :stuck_out_tongue:

they just tweeted “cfa results to be e-mailed today”


I could log into my account, percentages have not yet been put up

This is an absolute joke. 7 weeks for scantron results and they can’t even email them on time. It’s not like anyone is nervous in anticipation or anything…

It is like this every year. No exceptions.

yea not like it’s super important to get this right or anything

ok so the CFA website has basically crashed, they haven’t put the pass rate up as far as I can see

all round poorly managed and organised

The CFAI said it will be emaild after 9:00 ET am not at 9

Got my results around 11am ET last year, FYI.

It’s taking a while so that they do get it right.

I can’t access the numbers, but I think they have 100k emails to process and send. That’s going to take time, there’s no two ways about it. Even with the most processing power and a crazy high level of network bandwidth.

I suggest pouring yourself a nice drink, relaxing and waiting for the “ding” from your phone/computer.

Passing rate L2 47%

on tweeter

good luck

I must have refreshed my Gmail page 1000 times, I’v disconnected my internet and reconnectied it. im tripping out ppl!

We are sending results emails in waves throughout the day. Please continue checking your email.

Ridiculous. They clearly have below std email system. First taking 2months for results is a joke and then they are sending in waves!!