Results are up!

PASSED! 18 months CFA is almost done.


Failed, for the second time.

Unsure of scoring because the site isn’t loading.

Last year I was probably band 6-7 and felt a lot more confident going into the test and definitely knew more answers than last year…but doesn’t seem like it was enough.

Trying to figure out what to do and if I should give it a 3rd go or not, which might depend on the scoring breakdown (if I did better than last year) when I can eventually get the page to load.

Congrats!!! I too passed!! Thanks everyone for the support all through this journey. See u all in L3.

Does anyone print off their score card with all the percentiles on it?

I don’t understand why they can’t attach a PDF version of our results along with the email.

Hey guys, I received the email indicating I passed by can’t log in my account to see the results, there is no way the CFA institute would make a mistake right?

Are you guys experiencing the same issues?

Not able to see the website after refreshing for an hour, but happy to see my results in email already :slight_smile:

Congrats to everyone, I Passed as well. See you in Level III

Probably because sending a few hundred thousand emails with attachment would cause way more problems…

Hi fellow candidates

i passed as well , received the email but still cannot access the detailed results as the website appears to be down.

Have any of you managed to access the detailed results.



Passed, i’m really happy but i’m paranoid because the website is down!!

really sorry but don’t give up. Use CFA Institute materials, go over EOC, blue box and examples in white text and practice exams.


immediately changed to “Passed Level II”

Congratulations, Quark!

Congratulations, Nicholas!

Congratulations, RWWD!

Congratulations, studyguy!

Congratulations, snfuenza!