Riddle #3



so he has to walk the rest of the way unless its raining then he can stay in the lift?

He can stay in the elevator as long as he wants, he just can’t get to his apartment.

Are there entrances to his apartment on different floors?

Are there entrances to the lobby on different floors? Or perhaps different lobby’s.



so what can/cant he do when its raining?

Can he not get to his apartment because the rain affects the building, or his own condition?

Thats not a yes/no question


Does he not have to go to work when it’s raining?


speak english man

Well I’m soooorrrryyyy if you don’t appreciate logically correct grammar

dont get higg back in here to pwn u again

Is the man a banker who lives on Penny Lane?

ok so he cant take the elevator back when its raining

Is he a professional athlete?

Is he a midget?

Does he carry an umbrella when it’s raining?
