RIP Voting Feature

As a card carrying liberal, I can attest there is nothing liberal about the Water Cooler.

Uuuuuh, that’s not what he means.

i called it but didn’t account for STL’s hubris. shouldn’t have bought the 3 month options.

It’s sad that you all couldn’t even handle a simple karma feature.


I miss seeing all my upvotes tbh.

I could have sworn turd earned his upvotes, no one on here was as woke as he was…

It works on Reddit, why not here?

I’m not sure what that means or what it is you think I do here.

You have way too much time on your hands, PA.

bro why couldnt you throw a lil love to me.

The rep system on is the best way to implement something like this.

We should reintroduce it on a system like this:

  1. A numbers based format. Where the mods (STL) have 100,000x the rep power that we do (to start). 2. Whatever your number is, is the number of visible points you can add/subtract from someone else counter 3. After you rep one individual you will have to wait at least 7 days before you can rep that same individual.

Most likely still to fail though.

If at first you don’t succeed, give up. We tried our best and failed miserably.

You did a fine service to the free internet, thank you for your contribution.

Kisses badger-man!! :heart:

You wot mate?

are you even aware?

So you’re what happens when PA and palantir have a kid. Interesting.

Haha! I lowkey love you! No homo! Can you upvote me now?

Also most millennials type like me in messages. You persecute me when in fact you should persecute yourself for not Keeping Up With The Kardashians!

get edumacated:

maybe they did it because they knew they could fly.

But that’s why birds do it, bees do it Even educated fleas do it Let’s do it, let’s fall in love

but quite honestly. if everyone is doing something, imma do it too.

if you were lemming, and your family jumped of a cliff. you are telling me you would not follow them?

If Heaven and Hell decide that they both are satisfied Illuminate the "No"s on their Vacancy signs If there’s no one beside you when your soul embarks Then I’ll follow you into the dark

That’s exactly what the did in that movie “midsommar” that just came out. Killing themselves is all they’ve ever known, so they want to do it.

It was without a doubt the stupidest movie I’ve ever seen. I was super high too. Which is weird. How do make a movie so bad stoned people don’t even like it?

Why have so many posts been deleted on this thread? Got something to hide?