Shaping Up

I would replace the situp with birddogs or supermans (or some form of the superman) and perhaps plank movements on a medicine ball.

Pretty easy to build up your legs at home. Get a couple of 30-40 pound dumbbells and do lunges, calf raises, squats, and hamstring exercises (forgot the name but you stand on one leg and pick up the weight, it’s brutal). You’re not going to be a huge bro like the guys at the gym squatting hundreds of pounds but you can add enough mass that way to make sure your upper body doesn’t get imbalanced with pushups / pullups.

The exercises are easy, the weights cost

If he’s truly a keen runner and cyclist, legs shouldn’t be an issue.

he doesn’t skip leg day

Oh he is cycling something FO SHO!

If somebody wanted to get started in the weight room, this is a really great full body exercise:

Thanks, guys!

Had a personal training session this morning with this HCB trainer. She echoed what you guys are saying in general, i.e. push ups, sit ups etc.

Now, if only I could afford to see her every week… *sigh*

^Posts like this make me ponder. You have spent countless hours surrounding yourself with knowledge of finance so I know you are a person of curiosity and capable of retaining information. Yet, when it comes to learning about movements that relate to your health, you (i appologoize if this assumption is not valid but it appears to be likely) skip the due diligence and research and pay a trainer to reiterate things you probably did as a child. Is it a motivationally thing? If so, i will personally call you each morning and give you a Drew Brees pep talk like no other.

On the other hand, i must thank you for motivating me. You see, i feed off the weak and by the sounds of things you, like countless others, are the fuel to my fire. The fight against mediocrity and the will to distance yourself from the pack always requires a bit of rejuvenation, thank you.

^Not sure if this is real or joking.

Listen to supyogov…that nig is ripped…no homo.

Who said anything about paying? Took advantage of the once a year complimentary session that comes with a hefty membership fee.

It totally depends what you are already doing and what your goals are. Whatsyogov is pulling in the 500s for 3 and C&J with 285, so his goals are probably different from the average guy’s.

You may go insane from boredom doing the above routine 3 times a week and/or develop some overuse if you are already in very good shape (doing 70 or 80 pushups, for example). It’s really just a circuit template, so you can change it up. The key is to structure the exercises so that one muscle group has a chance to recover a bit while you work another. That is why sit ups come before pull ups: they allow your arms complete rest. So, you may alternate the below with the original template:

3 rounds:

Supine rows (basically find a smith machine, lower the bar to a bit below waist height, lay under the bar and pull your chest up to it), max reps

Dips, max reps

Supermans (look it up, it’ll balance the ab strenth you are developing from sit ups), hold for 1 minute\

Maybe alternate some rowing intervals too.

I like to do 8 rounds of 500 meter rows with 1 minute rest in between. Try to keep all intervals within ten seconds of each other. It will get hard quickly. Keep your back as straight as possible and get a big push with your legs. Smooth is fast when it comes to rowing.

There is a ton of other gynastic oriented stuff you can do that is great for strength, but some of it is pretty tough or dangerous without supervision and training. Many static holds are pretty safe though, so you could try and l-sit and build up core endurance. It has the added benefit of exposing hamstring inflexibility:

Or, on the dip bars:

My bad, i get passionate and go off on a monologue.

How long do you guys usually stay at the gym during your sessions? I used to stay 90 minutes, 3 days a week. I now reduced it to 60 minutes 3 days a week but I feel I’m not getting the same pump in.

Depends on the day, during the week around 1.5-2 hours but mostly due to the place being busy. Weekends I can be done in an hour give or take. I do chest/shoulders every three days and arms every three days, so that I’m basically going 4-5 times/week. Soon I’ll be adding a legs/abs day which will pretty much have me going 7 days a week…at which point I’ll probably have to re-evaluate.

I’m in there for about 2 hours but an hour is pre / post stretching so only an hour of actual lifting. mma is usually 2 hrs too, hour stand up, hour ground. When i get back to studying, ill have to reduce this drastically and probably go only 2/3rds what i am currently putting in.

Usually an hour in the gym, then about half hour of mobility/stretching done at home while listening to something. This allows me to go 5 days a week or so with some outdoor activity on the weekends. Sometimes I’ll do two a day where I lift in the morning and run in the evening, but I’ve found that the wear and tear doesn’t really make sense for my body and can impede my long term progress.

An hour is about all that I can justify, given other time constraints.

Why the fck would you pay some cardio bunny HCB to do nothing more than read a canned workout that is stored in the gym database!? Sure she has the CPT, but she don’t know wtf she’s talking about in regards to real strength training, nor would I trust her to spot me in any serious lift session.

Just follow my cuzzins’ workout at the youtube link below (NSFW).